
Wow. I'm starting to think you're just trolling or the most obtuse person ever. You really have no idea what life is like outside of suburbia and excess, do you? If you don't care about "this is in China so it might be harder" arguments, you'll never understand the questions you're asking. Get yourself a passport

Bioaccumulation. The higher up the food chain, the more concentrated the persistent toxins (Pb, Hg, PCB's, etc) are in the system.

I hope you never have to realize the poverty and hardship the majority of the world lives and thrives in on a day to day basis. The poverty in China can rival that of Soweto in South Africa and the slums of India. Her daughter likely moved to either work to help stay just above the line between starving and hungry to

Chris Hanson wants to know if you'd like a cookie.

Is this Charlie Sheen?

I saw KA years ago - awesome show live. A couple years before that I saw a discovery channel show about the stage. Might have been Really Big Things or something like that with the fat guy going back stage and making dumbass comments, but still a great behind the scenes look at the stage and performance equipment.

Excellent comment: Achieved.

The issue is that Baio used a legal interpretation of copyrighted material, not the copyrighted material itself - but in order to prove that in the court system it would cost him 10 times more than it already has. If it were a simple matter of utilizing or reproducing the copyright material the issue would be as

This post makes me want toast.

One of the things I love about everyone carrying water bottles now is that they make flasks obsolete. Why carry four ounces of liquor in a container everyone knows is liquor when you can carry 16 or 20 and spike your own drinks at the bar. These things pay for themselves with one good night out. And fill it up with

Thanks but I'll stick with my insulated Kleen Kanteen. Stainless steel with a vacuum insulated space. Ice cubes still exist 4 hours later - my frappucinno is still icy 4 hours after I bought it and it's just as good with hot drinks too. Widemouth lets you scrub it out easy and you get a choice of solid or sippy-cup

How many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb?

Thank god there are people with less gooey brains than yours working on that problem. Please be sure to get out of their way as to not impede their progress with your exploding brain matter.

Love the cat and car bird kill comparisons. Where'd you get the numbers?

Your blubbering explanation is eloquent. Very nice.

@Paul Dmytrewycz

So is Frosted Flakes!