
Actually that was a pretty shitty take on my part. Sorry.

I guess I just wish people would have a little empathy for the families. What if their family or friends are reading this? Post all the jokes you want, whatever. But there’s a time and a place. The murder of two young adults ain’t that place.

I kinda agree with you there. Not exactly the most sympathetic backgrounds, but I’m not 100% positive they didn’t plan on going back to work at some point. This trip certainly did cost a bunch, though.

Damn this is a really sad story. Their little blog even had maps of the routes they took. Seemed like very nice people just trying to enjoy their own life, without hurting others. Per usual, we see all the one-liners from the anonymous void, mocking the situation. What’s so funny about this? Guess I’m just not cool

If Tebow skipped Media Day for classes, the press would applaud him for it, and write articles about how the “kid has his priorities straight”.

I read it as: she initially lost the case, appealed, then lost the appeals. Then somehow got it brought to the Alaska Supreme Court who ruled in her favor...which means she won her appeal, and can try the case again (if she wants). So I’m not sure she won the case, she just won an appeal.

I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think that’s the case here. Wish he was asking “ironically” but I don’t think he is. Dennis Anderson (reporter) sees these as legit questions that require real answers.

For all the awful in this story, I agree that the reporter’s grilling at the end was the most embarrassing. It’s like he’s got to set the record straight, just checkin’ to see if these boys do indeed love their country. Pandering to the lowest base of human trash, which is probably half his readership. Terrible.


Time for more women to get out there and apply for those ultra-marathon co-ed leagues!

I’m wondering if the woman in the article (Laurie Vandenberg) is the same Laurie Vandenberg from Alaska who pursued a lengthy lawsuit against the State of Alaska for reemployment benefits after she hurt her arm when she reached for her laptop computer and “paperwork bag” while working for the State Department of

This place (Deadspin) is just as culpable in the death of traditional media as anywhere else. —- Very true. Deadspin is a news aggregate site that’s responsible for taking stories FROM places like the Daily News. They’ll post a story about Porzingis or Phil Jackson, slap the Deadspin logo on it, and then post a tiny

Not from Wisconsin, but went to college in Madison. I was shocked my freshman year to see so many uninformed young classmates spouting off racist jibberish. Wisconsin is one of those states that’s dominated by small cities - not quite small enough to be considered “towns”, but not big enough to have any diversity.

Because that boy already had 2 balls and front row seats paid for by Trust Fund Granny. What have you done to help a kid today?

True I doubt a 30 year-old dude goes to a ballgame with his girlfriend thinking “how can I serve today’s youth some teachable moments”? Plus the guy gave the ball to another kid right after the video, so apparently he did do something teachable.

Right? It’s the kids up in the nosebleeds who need those souvenirs.

I’m impressed...but still. These were all big plays that I bet even some Rams mega-fans (if there are any) remember too: costly interceptions, 80 yard touchdown passes, etc. Pick a play where they ran the ball up the gut for 3 yards on a 2nd & 7 and see if he remembers that, I say!

What? Tampa is a horrible baseball town, with a horrible baseball stadium. You think we should keep MLB in Tampa because the Yankees spring training is down there? Whoopdeedoo. The reason that new stadium in Ybor they’re pitching is just for 25,000 fans is so that they can host tennis tournaments and shit when the

Right. My point is that they couldn’t sell 25,000 tickets for a Tuesday night baseball game in April, nor any other of the 81 dates that they’d host a baseball game. They can sell out a football stadium 8 times per year, but so do literally thousands of American cities, from Madison to Tuscaloosa.

Yeah, I think I was trying to respond to a poster who said Nashville and Charlotte were good options. Anyway, of course Manfred is advocating expansion - that’s what commissioners do! They all want to leave their mark, whether it’s realignment, new playoff system, wildcards, etc. Hockey and football do it yearly, it