
Not bad. But Seattle has no business playing 2 time zones away from all other opponents in the AL Midwest. Nashville would be a better fit there. Also, Minnesota is further north than Toronto, Montreal, Detroit and Cleveland....anyhoo, I still like the effort. Nice job.

Yeah. Clippard is hardly the poster boy for terrible MLB relievers. Not sure what Clippard did to the OP but he should take a chill pill and leave Tyler alone. Matt Belisle, on the other hand - yuck.

Dude, you have to sell 30,000 tickets for 81 games. This is why cities like Green Bay, Charlotte, Indianapolis and Nashville can support NFL teams but never get to sniff MLB. There’s zero “baseball tradition” in those towns and fans could care less about baseball there. Just ask them.

CLERK: Uh, it happened in the baska-barl court.

This type of social media asshattery has pretty much par for the course for young, suburban, white teenagers. N-word! Fortnite! Like and subscribe, yo! Posting this crap for the world to see must give them some kind of dopamine rush.

Naw man! Didn’t you read? He was going to “give it away” on his website, ya know, for free! Probably to some needy kids! He was never, ever, in a million years, going to try and sell those autographs online....or something like that.

Those both’s are expensive. (Still can’t figure out what he meant by that...”booth”?)

I don’t walk around policing people’s actions here, dude. I am just telling people how it is down here, that’s all.

I’ve been living in Central America for many years. Yes, in general this kind of gesture is used far more frequently in this part of the world. Many Latinos who have light skin are considered to have an Asian appearance, and are often referred to as “La China” or “El Chino”, it’s quite common to have at least one

Nah, it’s just fatigue. Responding to every college kid asshole who makes jokes about this would be depressing, tedious, and it’s just a lost cause. I know that defending this guy’s dignity won’t do me any favors, either. So go ahead, respond with your sarcastic, snarky response and get your 5-second dopamine fix at

Anyone they hate is either:

Kevin McHale too? Aww fuck.

Yep. I live in Guatemala and have been trying to come up with a simple, sustainable plastic recycling business that also fairly rewards locals for their contributions. There’s a ton of plastic waste just sitting around in our rivers, streams...it’s just everywhere. I want to turn this into “low-hanging fruit” and

If Cullen worked for FOX News, his bosses and co-hosts would openly rip the MSM for their hatred of American heroes and he’d get his own show. Say what you will about this guy and his bullshit, but at least the Globe still cares about journalistic integrity.

Good catch. Recovered alcoholic here. In my experience, big events like this where you’d be on stage would be a great reason to get fucking hammered. A drink or two to “loosen up” quickly gets out of control. Not that it’s any excuse to be a dickhead, he deserves all the criticism he’s getting and more. Hopefully

Sam Harris, probably. I’m a big fan. Harris is a neuroscientist who spends his life debating religious nut-jobs and hosting seminars on the subject. I’m some guy commenting on Deadspin. His argument is definitely better than mine, and if you find him compelling then by all means keep watching.

You’re confused: being correct about a fact doesn’t make us intolerant. If there was a group worshiping a box of Triscuits, would you be “intolerant” if you questioned their reasoning? Would you be “stepping on their freedom” if you didn’t want to bow to a box of Triscuits at sporting events? Nazi right-wingers play

I wholeheartedly agree, I’m with Dawkins: “Mock them, Ridicule religion with contempt.”- and that’s what should happen. But we have to treat religion with kid gloves and every public figure has to walk on egg shells when it comes to the invisible magic man in the sky. I think we’d all get along better as humans if we

Not only that, but he’s bragging about something his grandfather’s father did...that’s a real stretch. It’s like these proud American Patriots who still to this day will scream “We saved your ass in WWII” to the French. Uh....who’s “we” buddy? I’m pretty sure you didn’t do jack shit.

And if he played for almost any other team, nobody would ever shut up about the guy.