
When I was an active alcoholic, that’s exactly what I said about vodka. Doesn’t mean it was OK for me to drink vodka at work, at least according to my employer. We have rules for reasons. Biles is taking a banned substance that is against the rules. It’s banned because it enhances focus and balance - it’s cheating.

Right, but this isn’t kindergarten and we’re not talking about peanut butter crackers. We’re talking about grown ups, and the Olympics. Nobody can take ritalin - it’s a banned substance. But here we have this perky American who shows up with a doctor’s note, and that’s okay? There are thousands of women who work

You ever taken ritalin? The effects in my experience were indeed almost exactly the same as high quality cocaine. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Biles is winning gold medals while on ADHD meds - in my opinion it’s certainly going to give her an edge. And my guess is that the US Olympic Team knows it, and

I hope MLB contracts the 28 other teams that way we can have just YANKEES and RED SOX only all the time and everyone will have to be either a YANKEES or a RED SOX fan and NOTHING ELSE and that way all the boring news about other teams wont ruin our days because that is all we will care about okay

Thanks for this article! I live in Latin America and it’s great to see a spotlight (however small) placed on this gauntlet of a qualifier. It’s great to see Peru and even Paraguay giving the big boys a run for their money this year. When the World Cup expands, it’ll be fun to see some additional South American teams

I don’t think he’s on the wagon.

Nah, you hit the nail right on the head with just about all of your observations. All good.

Late stage alcoholics drink alone, so no one will interfere with their drinking. Their world gets smaller and smaller.
They also get arrested and get in trouble at work - all due to alcohol.

You’re totally right. The bottom line is that he isn’t really taking responsibility because he isn’t really addressing the problem. The dude’s a First Class Alcoholic, seen it a zillion times. He’ll say he made a mistake. He’ll say he’s sorry. He’ll try to make his situation sound extraordinary: “I went to Idaho Falls

Agreed. The left has no answer for the right’s Nazi extremism and they are getting bulldozed. A few weepy college kids and old hippies marching with “Love not hate” signs ain’t gonna do jack. Antifa, on the other hand, speaks a language the Right can understand and maybe more bullying is in order from Liberals.

Not gonna happen. The rich own the banks, the banks own the investors, the investors own the companies, the companies own the lawmakers. The wealthy are in complete control of lawmaking and would never do anything to jeopardize the Good Life. Why would they?

Yeah, it’s definitely weird that he’d be ticked about a 1st inning bunt. Some guys get mad when a player bunts when they are up 9-2 in the 8th inning, or something (which is still stupid, but I can kinda understand it). But if a guy’s trying to get on base early in the game with a bunt, I don’t get the anger. I guess

Also, respect to see college kids doing something outside. Most of their dipshit buddies are in front of their TVs with the blinds drawn eating microwave mac & cheese while pretending they are real soldiers. Spikeball dudes are pretty rad compared to the gamerz.

Agreed. We’ve reached the point where it’s necessary to doxx the fuck out of as many of these freaks as possible. Out them, shame them, get them fired and stuff them back in their trailer parks or send them to jail. When “Free Speech” starts preaching murder, we need to doxx everyone involved pronto. From what I

It was really cool of the stay-at-home-with-nothing-else-to-do-mom of the girl to make the video public and start going on national media tours. She really took great steps to protect her daughters’ anonymity and saved her a lot of embarrassment after suffering through a horrible experience.

Sounds like he’s an alcoholic who hasn’t figured out he has a problem. Deadspin reported on this 5 years ago:

There was a rumor on a gossip site that she is dropping out to somehow cover up a failed drug test, and this is her excuse. Not sure if it’s true, just sayin’.

You know AP is gonna run over the defense for like 150 and two TDs in that opening game, right? There’s no doubt about it, as a Vikings fan I know it’s gonna happen and the entire 1st week it’s gonna be all everyone talks about.

This trend of “two sides to every story” took hold during the McCain / Obama election. CNN and some other media outlets started reporting on the racist mobs supporting McCain/Palin, and they immediately got branded as “left-leaning” and “biased”. CNN and other news outlets freaked out and did a 180, suddenly referring

I really do think more of these racists and bigots should be outed/doxxed whatever. Their employers should see this...then again, I think a lot of these people are unemployed/unemployable in the first place, which is probably what brought them to adopt Nazi ..... er, alt-right politics in the first place.