
Glad you’re doing better these days! I have also had a few (grand mal, alcohol withdrawal back during my drinking days). Wouldn’t wish a seizure on my worst enemy. Awful stuff.

My office view. Central America!

As in: The Deadspin editorial staff is sitting there trying to “reach the millennials” and “engage millennials”, and overusing the buzzword in meetings, etc.

I have and I agree. Yeah, she’s a real reporter. I think the rest of the staff must have different job descriptions.

Yeah, comments like these aren’t unusual. Every newspaper that allows comments sees this crap daily.

That would be AWESOME. However, I don’t think any Mexican baseball stadium is equipped to MLB standards. Monterrey would have to build a new one from scratch, and I’m not sure if funding would be available.

I filled an empty coke can with gasoline (via the gas tank my dad kept in the garage for the lawnmower). Went to the local park and dropped a match in there. I dropped it right away, and it spun around like a top, spitting fire in every direction, all over the dry leaves and trees. I ran a block home and got a

I watched with interest and participated in festivities as all my buddies got married in their twenties and thirties. I was happy for them, but did not envy them. A couple have since gotten divorced and one of them just got re-married. It’s pretty clear that for the majority, having a stable relationship is a very

The dragon is the symbol on the Welsh flag, Cardiff is in Wales.

I think much more highly of someone that says “so sorry to hear the news” than these fuckers who make a crass joke and say “comedy is a way to cope”. The first one might not be genuine, but at least it’s sympathetic. A kid’s dead.

Mark Twain had it right. Nobody likes to think of themselves as poor - especially lower-class whites. Those are the folks voting Red, when it’s probably in their best interest to vote Blue. But as others have said...I’m not sure this graph would change much.

Yep. On paper, he’s one of the “dangerous criminals with guns” that the po-dunk whities complain about. But they’re defending him. Funny how that works.

Gasser has a history of getting into road rage incidents and threatening/beating the shit out of people. That’s not speculation.

People like Ronald Gasser don’t buy guns “for protection” or because they are “enthusiasts”. They buy guns so they can use ‘em. Emotional pussies, dying to play Cowboy Hero Army Guy, just hoping for any excuse to shoot someone. Gasser has a history of stirring up shit with other drivers, hoping he gets a chance to

The NBA? The sport where the sound engineers pump shitty music during live play non-stop and the athletes spend 75% of the game standing around at the foul line? I dunno, man. The NBA seems to be aiming its product at a 12-16 year-old audience and I just can’t deal with that Mickey Mouse shittery. I hope teams like

They are morons. And I do blame them. But, I do agree that Hillary certainly offered ZERO appeal to any right-wing voter hoping for a change in their personal situation. That said, voting for fucking Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America is unforgivable. The fact that the Dems stayed home and

Aren’t these ratings problems more likely due to the fact that people are streaming the games live from unsanctioned internet sites? It’s pretty easy to just google “Live Cardinals 49ers” or “Chelsea ManU” and get exactly what you’re looking for in seconds. People still watch. Just not in the traditional ways that

I’m in Central America. Nice place, really. I took this footage tonight about 3 hours ago. Pretty normal activity here in the neighborhood.

I moved abroad 3 years ago....and it doesn’t make this any better. But yes - the USA really does have more than 50% of the people who think Trump is a good idea. Yes, there really is half a nation that thinks Obama is a Muslim witch doctor from Timbuktu. The dumbing-down of the United States is complete. I am so

Yeah, I grew up in the city of Minneapolis (which made me a “big city” kid to many of my college classmates at the UW). You are right, there are tons of small-town kids there, and yep those were the ones freely tossing around the epithets about women, minorities, etc. It’s inescapable at UW. I hadn’t been exposed to