
I went to Wisconsin and graduated many moons ago. Nigel is 100% correct - there’s sadly a ton of racism at UW. I was shocked to see and hear so many racist epithets thrown around, and I’m sure Nigel has been, too. He’s an awesome guy, and I’m glad he’s stepping up like this. Dude’s a true leader and someone we should

I honestly thought it was a picture of Joe Thomas at first glance.

It’s interesting to dig down and research why Trump supporters continue to support him. It’s mostly due to a common psychological condition that we ALL have. Think about your local sports team. You were raised an Eagles fan, wearing green-and-white. They might stink, and the quarterback might be in legal trouble after

First off, I’m down with your advice there. It’s good. But, the facts do remain the same: if you work and/or enjoy living in one of America’s top cities, you’re SOL on buying a home unless you’re okay with living in the horsey ‘burbs. Myself, I chose to look outside the USA and moved abroad. Works for me, despite the

What’s wrong with the Jets? I can tell you this: the 96% of NFL fans who cheer for other teams don’t give a fuck. It’s a boring team with a shit roster. Unless a team is train-wreck bad (Lions a few years back, Jaguars moving to London, Browns fucking up, etc) an article about an irrelevant team is...irrelevant. How

Oh hell yes! I totally agree, Barry. Watching a great defensive stop getting cancelled out by a horseshit call is absolutely the most frustrating part about the NFL. Of course, same goes for bullshit holding calls that negate excellent positive yardage.

“This year’s”???? The AFC South is still and has always been the crappiest division in football since it was formed. Awful cities, awful teams, just the backwater of the NFL. A casual sports fan would get this list of teams confused with a list of NWSL teams.

Cubs fans? You don’t have to worry about them. They deserve something great, they really do.

You make great game observations, I hear you loud and clear! I agree with everything up until your last graph. Dude you’ve had a team in DC for what, like 6 months? And you’re already bailing? You don’t know how good you’ve had it with the playoff appearances already in the team’s young history!  Fans of most baseball

I’d love for some extra parties to emerge from all this. Republicans, Democrats, Starchildren and Nutjobs. The Nutjob party would cut into the right-wing votes, while the Starchildren would chip away at the Dems’ support. A few years down the road we’ll get a free for all, Hunger Games-style election where each party

Yeah, pretty awful. I’m not sure how this got past the editors either. I’m guessing:

The Cards themselves might be a good bunch. But you’re right - the fans are insufferable. Boston, New York, and St. Louis have the most annoying fan bases in MLB, with Seattle and Toronto catching up fast.

I’ll just leave this here:

I am sorry to hear about Sammy’s injury, but this guy isn’t newsworthy anymore. There are many 3rd and 4th string WRs with nagging injuries that will keep them out of this week’s games. Watkins is no more relevant at this point in his career than, say, a Josh Doctson or a Deshon Foxx. He looked cool a few years ago

Back in the day, I moved from Minnesota to Wisconsin for university. It’s a short distance, so I was absolutely shocked when I heard how racist Wisconsin residents were. It’s appalling and I’m glad this dude called them on it.

This is just awful. Trump is just out there yelling bullshit and nobody can shut him up. He’s just an asshole up there doing a standup routine. Getting laughs. Hillary can’t win in this format, she’s going to be seen as weak. Shit.

Twins fan here. Doesn’t matter which organization you root for, every baseball fan just loved this guy. To read this news first thing after waking up just completely crushed my soul. Damn, this is a horrible day for baseball and it’s going to take some time getting over this.

“Everyone involved should be locked behind bars like animals!” Did I miss the memo? Are we supposed to be locking all our animals behind bars now?

Sorry man, I can’t get on board with your comment and I gotta disagree. I don’t go to AA and I’m not a fan. I’m a recovering alcoholic with almost 5 years of sobriety under my belt and I’ve been down the road that this kid is on right now. Why do you think that a recovering heroin addict is “totally fine” if he’s

I agree. The author of this post made a great point when he said Smith “seems to drink an awful lot of beer for a recovering drug addict”...and alas, I agree. He’s still chasing a buzz, it appears. Nobody recovering from drugs or alcohol should be engaging in either substance in recovery. It’s just not gonna work, in