
Yes, it’s Kaepernick’s right not to stand and pay homage to the USA. Why should we care one way or the other? What I’d like to know is why everyone is so gung-ho with this “forced patriotism” all the time? Sure, it would be nice if everyone was happy with America all the time. But due to wars, taxes, authoritarian

Like Gene Larkin’s RBI double in the bottom of the 10th in 1991 in Game 7!

I do! Because I also lost both of them, same as you. Fucking Christ.

Could be something like an anxiety/panic attack? Those types of issues can require hospitalization, and as someone who’s had one, you certainly need some time to get your shit together after you’re released. Plus, you don’t want to spread the word afterwards. Maybe that’s what happened to Ivory?

Yeah. OSU was playing a non-conference cupcake game at home. If they’d have played better football they wouldn’t have been in their dubious position to begin with. CMU certainly caught a break, but it wasn’t like the game was “stolen”. OSU fucked up and this is what happens when you play like shit.

It’s tragic and horrible that this woman lied about the abuse. It’s also tragic and horrible that statements like hers make it harder for other women. The whole thing is awful. I believe violators of domestic abuse should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I believe those who lie should also be punished,

I agree! Now all we need is more women to support the sport and start coaching. That’s the tricky part. Softball has a rather large university pipeline, there are traveling teams for high schoolers, etc. Women’s baseball has a huge job ahead of them. Convincing a 13 year-old girl to play baseball instead of playing

I see your point. But Bradford isn’t the same as Hill, though. Hill is a dinosaur, he’s 38 years old or something. No kidding, he really is. He’s not “Steve DeBerg old”, either - he’s stiff, slow, and should not be on the field unless he’s taking a knee in the last seconds of a game. People who think Shaun Hill is

Yeah no kidding. Very strange to see a sports scribe write that he “learned something new” when a foul ball came back into play before it reached the 1st base bag. I thought I was the only one who noticed that ridiculous post, guess not.

Yeah, I know - I remember the Herschel Walker trade. I guess I’m just a desperate Vikings fan who feels a bit more hopeful with Bradford under center this year than Hill. I’d have taken Sanchez, or Kaepernick too, frankly. I’m not in the mood to think “long term” with the Vikings, as right now it’s been a 50-year

And Yankees catcher Gary Sanchez is on pace for 85 homeruns and a .455 batting average every season if you take this year’s small sample size and stretch it out over his career. Shaun Hill sucks, dude. Don’t tell me you think he’s better than Sam Bradford.

You seriously think Shaun Hill is better than Sam Bradford? Because that’s what you’re saying here. The Vikings needed a QB that could start in the NFL. They needed one quick. They had draft picks to give. Of course they overpaid for Bradford, they know that. But what are you gonna do? Keeping Shaun Hill is a death

I’m a Vikings fan too, and I’m also OK with it! Anyone who thinks this is awful trade has no clue how bad Shaun Hill is. There’s no way any NFL team can go into the season with a guy like that starting at QB, especially a team that expects to contend. Bradford might not be ideal, but he’s in the top 50% I think.

C’mon Tim. Bradford is better than pile-’o-bones Shaun Hill. And the Vikes have lots of picks to trade. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Very true.

As an American immigrant living in Latin America, I think I know what this guy is trying to say here. He’s completely wrong, and I don’t agree with him...but I think I can pinpoint his angle here.

Annnnnd the Twins just lost their 12th straight. Bad sports day for us Minnesota fans.

Exactly! My original comment apparently made me sound like a “Michigan homer” - alas, I didn’t go to Michigan and have no ties to the school. Overall, it’s one of the best places for a young athlete to both compete AND maybe learn something. You seem to have made the point better than I did. Cheers.

Who’s “you”? I didn’t go to Michigan, dude. Have you seen the preseason rankings?