
Right-wingers have become shamelessly bold about spewing hate-speech online on a regular basis. You’ve all seen it on your facebook feeds...old friends from college are all of a sudden barking loud, unspeakable racism and prejudice. You’d never have heard them say this back at the dorms, but today they don’t mind

Yeeps. Why play the game? Just get a job in a virtual office and move abroad, like I did. Rent’s $600 per month, utility bill for everything is $40 per month, and phone is virtually free. If you make 40K per year you can live in a wonderful home, buy a jeep, travel all you want, and enjoy beautiful weather year-round.

Yuck, this piece was straight out of Central Casting. As for my “tips” for 25 year-olds who are just starting jobs: you were hired because people think you can figure it out. Do so. Forklift drivers and crane operators need a bunch of supervised training. Assistant account executives do not. Spend some of your free

I remember seeing Kent Hrbek do that back in the day. Hilarious to watch a huge man hit a tiny dinger.

Johnny Football is slurring his words and talking a bunch of bullshit. Looks like his personal rock bottom is pretty low, ‘cause he’s not done with the alcohol yet. As a recovered alcoholic it’s pretty easy to see that he’s likely to continue until he gets arrested or hospitalized. NFL teams should hire recovered

I agree. I think a good apples-to-apples comparison would be to rename the NFL’s Panthers to “Carolina Slave Traders” with a logo of a dirty fat man holding a whip. Better yet the “Carolina Hillbillies” or “Carolina Rednecks” with an overly cartoonish logo of some goober chewing on a hayseed.

This argument again? Watching UCONN dominate women’s basketball is like watching the fat kid bowl over toddlers on the way to a Nerf hoop. There is no competition whatsoever. Women’s basketball is the only sport where high school teams get blasted 104-3 on a regular basis. The few that have serious talent (and they do

I always liked Bob Bradley, and never thought he was “The Problem”. And I like Klinsman, too. Klinsman is 100% correct - the MLS is god-awful and US players should strive to play in England, Spain, Germany, or Italy. Period.

He’s a right-wing gun nut, too. Birther/truther, etc. One of those “sovereign citizen-types”. The White Sox were sick of his bullshit, especially when he started bringing his kid everywhere like he was the team owner. Sure, there are a few redneck hillbillies on that team who came to his defense, but the White Sox as

Back when I was addicted to alcohol and taking opioids, I used to sweat like that on the subway every morning. It was horrible for me and 100x worse for anyone stuck next to me on a crowded train! The sweats were due to withdrawals. I’m not saying Sean Miller is an alcoholic or addict, but if there are any rumors out

Jesus. $230 bucks for a grilled cheese sandwich and a crappy steak, all with some foo-foo waitress shoving millennial buzz words in your face? I think this restaurant, combined with Disneyland and Donald Trump, pretty much summarizes how wasteful Americans have become in a nutshell. That price tag is borderline

I went to rehab for alcoholism, and now have about 4 years sober. My advice for not drinking at bars and parties? Don’t hang out at bars and parties. Sure, sometimes you can show up for a quick high-five and a plate of nachos. But don’t set up camp. Grab a seltzer water, say hello to a few folks, and remember that

Good for you! I’m 40 and happily never married. I live abroad, work online, and travel the world and I enjoy life. If I were married with kids this lifestyle wouldn’t work. Enjoy being free of society’s chains! Get married when you’re 65 so you have someone to take care of you when you get old.

This sentence stood out to me as well. Little rich girls can buy many things, but street cred isn’t one of them. The only times she took out her earrings during her “coming of age in Brooklyn” were when the diamonds got too heavy. I didn’t even know who this person was before, but I think she’s pretty horrible.

Rapists and murders are certainly “flawed human beings”, we’re not going to argue that. Certainly doesn’t make me feel sympathy for them, though. Being crazy and harming other people through manipulative plotting is not going to get you any pity points in my book. She’s a monster and should be locked up, just like

Alcoholic here, almost 4 years sober. I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I was never introduced to Oxy, as alcohol almost killed me on its own. I chat with lots of people who are trying to get off the ‘scripts, and it sounds really challenging. Those interested in quitting always are at the point where they’re

I agree that the stadium experience is vastly overrated. I also watch from home (in Latin America) and haven’t lived in my team’s home city in almost 20 years. That said, if the Vikings had moved to Los Angeles, I’d have been really pissed. And I wouldn’t have cheered for them.

Well said. I also think that the author’s experiences would be verrrry different if she’d spent her time abroad in, say, El Salvador, China, or South Africa. The author felt comfortable, open, and free in London, which likely influenced her experience. As an American who lives permanently abroad (in a country where

I couldn’t understand a word by Kevin Harlan during that whole sequence. I think I heard “on the doorstep” and “Curry” - aside from that, it was complete jibberish. The clip starts with “Aaareee-swaa-tuuu-propellah” and finishes with “Abadalabah, paaa-puuu-saahhhh!”

Yeah man. Growing up around water, I did some really dumb shit with my friends that could have killed me as a teen. If I’d grown up around an Olympic Bobsled track....well, let’s just say this type of thing was right in my wheelhouse. There but for the grace of god go I, etc.