
How can you not smile when watching those highlights? John Scott was clearly having the time of his life, and so were the rest of the players. Well fucking done, Mr. Scott.

Now playing

I loved that one. “It’s open to anry college...annry kollish...” THUMP.

Same with Clay Matthews. He’s the Great White Hope captain on defense, playing up north in a blue collar whitey-town. The media worships that asshole, and I would love to see his name dragged through the mud. I’m also a Vikings fan so it would be a great to see his career go down in flames.

If you don’t find this weird....then you’re living in a completely different world than I am. “Wish lists” are for kids 12 and under. By age 16, you stop asking for things and just take what you get - most of the time that’s cash. I’m pretty sure this girl (she ain’t a woman!) is fictional, because I can’t imagine

True. But I think “success rate” is kind of a weird term when it comes to alcoholism, don’t you? I’m 3.5 years sober. I don’t think I’ve either failed or succeeded. I’m just a human being with a condition, and if I don’t take precautions or monitor myself, I could get sick again.

I’d love to pile on....but that pretty much sums it up. On that same note, St. Louis folk also like to pretend that their city competes with Chicago for Midwestern dominance, which just shows how delusional they are. It’s an irrelevant city (maybe that’s sad?) in an area that’s quickly becoming the Midwest equivalent


St. Louis is a good baseball town, but they’re definitely more of an Arena League Football city.

Maybe the NBA will immediately respond by putting up nets everywhere and plexiglass barriers like they’re doing in baseball? Just kidding! But, it does give me an opportunity to get out my crystal ball....

Peep Show (UK) is great binge-watching material. They are in the middle of their final series - Season 9 - right now. Do yourself a favor and watch Seasons 1-8 (available on youtube) this holiday season and catch up just in time for the final episode. Mark & Jez are horrible/glorious characters who you can’t help but

Ahhh, alcoholism. Looks like Johnny fled back to a college town in TX to try and recreate the good ol’ days. Back when drinking was fun and new.

Thanks. I’m going to read Deadspin either way, it’s just a minor feature request. I work for a website so I know it’s not always as easy at it sounds to just “add stuff” like score bugs just because one person wants to see it. Have a good day!

And the final score was.....? I enjoy Deadspin’s take on games, big plays, athletes, etc. I just wish you’d quickly add the final score more often. I know you guys think it’s “old fashioned”, but it seems like a reasonable request.

Yeah, but not as many kids play lesser tier sports. Football has become extremely popular over the past 40 years, with more and more schools fielding teams. I’m guessing the number of HS football players in America has probably doubled in the past 20 years alone (just a guess, mind you).

True words. Couple other things that stick out to me:

Deadspin’s Resident Recovering Alcoholic Speaks:

This is basically akin to a Klan rally back in the day. I can’t believe they are celebrating hatred and bigotry with such glee. History classes (perhaps taught by robots in the future, but that’s besides the point) will show this picture in the “American Dark Ages” section. I’m happy to be alive, but it’s too bad I’ll

The NBA is just more clearly rigged by the league and networks, is all. The fact that the Patriots actually had to try and cheat - and not have the championship directly handed to them - is a good example of why the NFL ranks lower on the rig-o-meter.

Yeah it’s rigged. They want storylines - good guys, bad guys, etc. They change the characters every 10 years or so. The NBA does “let them play” to a certain point - it’s not WWF (or whatever it’s called these days), but it’s easy to see which players draw ratings via the networks. The San Antonio Spurs should get a

The NBA is worse, I think. But yeah, the NFL is pretty bad. In both leagues, the refs can pretty much call fouls any time they want to keep the game close (and keep TV viewers interested). The NBA promotes it’s big stars, while the NFL is more team-oriented. For example, the NBA makes sure LeBron, Durant, etc continue