
I think it should be FABS: "Fake Ass Bull Shit".

Yeah this was my initial thought. The Co2 leak guess above was a close second. I also thought maybe like a drowning or something, being in the wrong room when the ship was doing a routine drill.

So what does everyone have here in terms of wild speculations?

I'm with you - I would also expect the women's coaches to be smart enough to practice on a tougher course. That said, I would also expect that the men's teams aren't stupid enough to block the women from doing so. My "internet comment radar" was reading that you were insinuating that female Olympians were somehow

Some might say they weren't able to practice on those hills. Others might say they didn't bother to practice on those hills. The article didn't say much about that, so I'd say speculation on either side of that issue isn't something readers here are qualified to argue.

You mean 16 of the 22, right? Well, that's 72% of the terrible injuries...so I suppose that's a bit much. But what can really be done here? Have the ladies ski down tiny hills? Perhaps build a 17 million dollar "women's bobsled track"? Neither of those options sound like they'll work. I say leave things as

Yep, this will sell. And the guy(s) who purchase this will be the envy of everyone in their neighborhood. I lived in Wisconsin for a few years and can speak to this first hand. It's way beyond "funny" or "passionate". It leans much further towards "sad" and "pathetic" on the scale.

New Orleans. That's the "where" part.

Two awesome game-winning shots tonight - Syracuse & LeBron - both had pointless time stoppages afterwards. Both of those shots should have resulted in immediate "game over" calls by the refs. Instead we get 5 minutes of mulling around and are given a lukewarm product. I hate that!

I hate when broadcasters like this guy are seeing the SAME EXACT THING that we are, but somehow can't get the call right. It's pretty obvious that it goes in off the defender and "Niederyder" or whatever never touches the thing. But the announcer yabbers through multiple explanations about how he scored the goal. I

Grumpy old man here. Who the hell is Kate Hansen? I'm assuming she's an Olympic athlete and she plays the hockey/skis/curling or whatever? Gee whillikers.

Where did Los Angeles end up on that NFL list?

Yeah, you are probably right. Sorry 'bout that, I was being a grouch. I did watch the vid and feel better about things. Have a great night!

Sorry to grumble, but I don't need to watch the vid to know he'll be dead in a year. Poor creature was doomed from the start. The overbreeding of dogs has turned a once noble species into a State Fair Carnival stuffed animal with a short-term lifespan. Great for the kiddies, and they only last 5 years. I guess

How exactly is Jason Collins "marketable"? Nobody in the NBA has even looked his way, whereas he most certainly would have played at least a 10-day contract by now with someone if he hadn't come out. Sure, he was the star of the Boston Pride Parade - pretty sure an NBA salary pays more than that.

I'm pretty sure this piece came up because the woman who fell was commenting on the original post. She started her own thread, seemed like a down-to-earth person, etc. Not to mention it's a Sunday afternoon during the slowest time of the year in the sports world. This follow up made total sense from an editorial

Your head hit pretty hard, yeowch! You have to admit you kind of deserved to be punished in that moment, for being from California and then giving your expert advice on snow conditions while dressed in your $349 running jacket...but you've more than made up for that with your gracious replies to the comments here.

I watched the video. Seemed like a high-end production and it's pretty good. You'd have to be pretty self-absorbed and obsessed to order something like this, but I guess if you want this kind of thing, that's your right. But the fact that she's suing over this is beyond ridiculous. When I read people in this