
Addiction killed Hoffman. I'd much rather see local authorities spend money on promoting or building an affordable/free detox center in the neighborhood than chase after one heroin dealer. But instead of spending money on educating and helping those with problems, even more money will be spent chasing a few bad

C'mon. Hoffman knew he was getting "the good shit" - he wasn't messing around with heroin that was cut with baby powder and baking soda. He was after the strongest stuff on the market, had access, and got it.

Rats, she deleted her page! Thanks to your description, at least I have something to draw on here.

Sour grapes. Cal earned the win. The fans were stupid. End of story.

I don't think there should have been a 'T' to take a victory away from Cal the players. But the general public should definitely berate these idiot Cal fans and make them feel like complete fools and oblivious jackasses. Fans in Northern California have a history of celebrating too early (Stanford Band anyone?) and

LOL at the person at the 0.11 mark on crutches hobbling towards the massive pileup. Good stuff.

Are you going to follow this up with an essay directed at Southerners who casually yuck-yuck and hee-haw about the temps here in Chicago and the Midwest? Because this isn't funny either, it's fucked up and even though we're more "prepared" for it, it's not just a minor pain in the ass. Nothing funny about it, and we

Sports fans are creatures of habit. We don't like seeing Michael Jordan wearing #45, we preferred #23. We feel even more uncomfortable when seeing him in a Wizards jersey, and that's ignoring the cries we spewed when the old Bullets logo went away in the first place. We liked Madden, because his voice sounded

So 16 year-old kids are seriously tatted up like this nowadays? Dayum.

What, are we worried about facts here now on this website? I thought we just got to throw out unfounded information to support our agenda here.

On Deadspin they do!

As ridiculous as these young women may look, they are pretty cute. I only mention it because of all the "Midwest Chicks Are Fat And Ugly" nonsense that you'll hear from time to time. Minneapolis just got ranked as America's healthiest city, everyone's nice, and the women outnumber the men 2-1 up there. You could

Nope, they're all hot!

That game is at UIC - the University of Illinois-Chicago, right here in the heart of the nation's 3rd biggest city. Chicago, much like New York, could give a rat's ass about college sports. You can easily get cheap tickets to any DePaul, Loyola or UIC game and see Division 1 talent. Or you can step it up a notch and

People who believe "homosexuality is a sin" are quite frankly an embarrassment and an insult to an otherwise very intelligent species. Scientist Richard Dawkins presents a pretty good solution as to how we should treat people like you who believe in a God: "Mock them. Ridicule them. In public. With contempt". I

Me three. Still chortling here and will likely do so sporadically throughout the day. This is fantastic.

As a recovering alcoholic, making new platonic buddies is abso-SMURFLY the worst, because I can't be "down for beers" with anyone. Not surprisingly, that was my go-to-method for making friends for my entire adult life, so I'm kinda lost. Let's face it, guys don't really "go out for coffee" - it's not something you

I agree with Helton here. This is the NFL, and boy do they have life by the balls. This is the one pro league sport in America where everyone drops everything - every week - to watch a game that where they have no regional ties as long as the teams are good. Large markets be damned, too. A Green Bay vs. New Orleans

Would love to hear some audio from that broadcast, but too lazy to look. Any ideas?

"If's" and "buts" are candies and nuts, my friend! My own little Minnesota Twins were almost contracted in the early 2000's, and the T-Wolves almost moved to your own New Orleans before that (instead you stole the Hornets, but then the league re-expanded so nobody loses). But there was no Katrina, no flood, no bomb