
One could argue the same thing happened with all that "Boston Strong" stuff, the Sox, Pats and Bruins have been riding that wave along with all the ESPN red-white-and-blue fanfare all year and it doesn't look to be slowing down. New York even got on board after 9-11...though the Yankees certainly got way more of the

I can't believe I'm going to jump on the "Free A-Rod" bandwagon....but if I had to choose sides here, I'd also join Team Alex. MLB's argument has basically been that they don't like him, they have heard he used PEDs, and they're going to make an example out of him by ruining the twilight of his career. He's been a

Congrats! I'm with you on the cigs and the odd joint now and then, although I've been weed-free since August so I guess I've kind of quit that also. Not sure I agree that being sober "sucks". It's easy to pick out and glamorize those drinking days, but towards the end there wasn't anything fun about it.

I used to read these and think "wow, these studies are complete BS. I drink waaay more than that and I'm doing just fine!" — fast forward a couple years and I was in a detox center with a Fidel Castro look-alike for a roommate, facing rehab treatment and forced AA sessions. Rats.

I think you might be confused here. The Dallas Morning News tweeted: "Why he's not a hip-hop coach" and wrote an article about it. That is all. Deadspin didn't do anything, they just pointed and laughed.

So I suppose those college students should harass drunk bums on the street too? As long as the bums are over 21, they're "fair game"? When you see someone with an alcohol problem, it's not always okay to beat their ass. Same goes for mental illness. It's not easy, as people with Asperger's and other forms of

Did I say she was innocent? She was a drunk ass mother there with her three fucking kids. You can call security, walk away, or keep antagonizing her. She posed no physical threat to them, so they chose to antagonize. Again, while clearly knowing she had three young kids there watching, two of whom were crying by

Oh she's clearly a villain in this story - but it's like provoking a bum on the street to come at you with his crutches and then take a video when they fall over after taking the first swing. This lady, she's an easy target. When someone behaves like that, you walk away...you don't antagonize. Especially when they

Way to harass that clearly intoxicated mother who is at a bowl game with her three underage kids. You really had me roaring with laughter when you asked the 16 year-old son to come down and fight you, but then you topped that when you said "kiss her" in front of the children! What a fucking slut.

Worse yet his comment (and other sarcastic ones like it) have more stars than all the rest. Deadspin is the fucking worst sometimes.

So sorry to hear that. What a tragedy.

Wow, that's a bit of a stretch there. Are you saying these mass murderers should be given a break because some people in the world hate their religion? I'm not one of them, for what it's worth. I'm a bleeding-heart liberal atheist who has lived in 4 countries and moving to a 5th this year. If the fact that I

"many have lost close family members over the last two decades of violence since war first broke out in Chechnya"

People who order clothes for American Girl Dolls and have a security camera on their suburban front porch are assholes. When the housewife of said family gets a blue-collar black man fired because he didn't show the proper respect for a meaningless package...well, you get the picture. I'm betting the next time

I feel your Airplane Pain! And I'm a normal-sized dude! I'm 6'0, 172lbs, but as soon as I sit down in an airplane I feel like Godzilla. My knees always nudge up to the seat in front of me, and if I try and lean back and stretch my legs underneath the seat in front of me, my shins end up bumping the bottom of the

Agreed. I used to play in a 10-team work league and it sucked. We all had tons of active players, like 4-5 WRs, flex positions galore, etc. Plus, it was a PPR league. There were also bonuses for over 100 yards rushing/receiving, and over 300 yards passing, etc, etc. It was impossible keep track of what was

That was awesome to see the pure, devilish joy that guy had. Even pranced around like the Grinch and let out evil cackling to boot. That's exactly what I plan to do next weekend when Nick Foles throws a last-minute touchdown on Sunday night!

I was responding to someone who said this was about FOOOOTBBALL. I also have a problem with Jez leading with "accused rapist wins Heisman". It's just not responsible journalism. Especially when it's likely that not too many people on this board have ever heard of Winston before, let alone know a damn thing about

I am not sure you are doing yourself any favors with that statement. You do know that he was only ACCUSED, right? Have you read about how they tried really hard to bring this to trial, but didn't have enough evidence against him? Florida State isn't exactly the king shit of football teams, and there are plenty of

On the flip side, a guy who won the Heisman and might not have raped someone will have to read about the rape complaint in every single article.