
Did you see that holder with the Steve McQueen slide-over-the-car-hood move?

I hate this part of the game. For one reason or another, this strategy (a good one), seems to be a more recent phenomena. 20 years ago, you'd play tough defense here, out of respect for your opponent and actually give fans something to hope for. As I said, the current strategy IS better, it's just way less exciting

Not that it would make a difference, but isn't Mexico offside on at least 2 or 3 of those goals?

Now playing

She sounds absolutely hammered. The only other possibility (and I'm just reaching here), is that she's a super-nerd-academic-type that somehow thinks this is the way you're supposed to speak at sporting events. Kind of like Schwarzenegger's "Go. Chargers. Go." - it's not alcohol, it's just a stiff, clueless public

Wow, this blew up overnight! I just thought it was odd that Pat Sajak's tweet was randomly talking about a hockey goalie fight. The joke sucked for many reasons. But I'll live with the consequences.

The category is: "Things that Happen at a Hockey Game"

Yikes, this needs to get out of the gray! Ugh, terrible weird neighbors! FWIW, my neighbor was also a bit of a strange, older man who lived alone. At the slightest sign of snow, he would sweep even the lightest dustings off driveway with a broom. Your guy sounds a bit spookier though, being a bit younger and with

Goddamn. It's amazing that someone would take a dog that belongs to a young family, because they want to feed some pesky SQUIRRELS. Seriously, that woman should have paid some hefty fines or served jail time, that is a horrible crime.

St. Louis is to baseball as Green Bay/Pittsburgh are to football. I'm more familiar with Green Bay fans than Steeler fans - and while they are not as insufferable as Cards fans, they sure do think pretty highly of themselves. They looooove their white players, you'll still see Jeff Query jerseys on some fans, and no

On the Salt Lake Tribune comments section (which is just a terrible political fight), there's a picture linking one of the guys to the Tea Party. Apparently one of these bozos is donating to the local Tea Party and was visited by a candidate for office, and then posted the pic to his facebook page. They provided the

Equality is great. But the name change thing is going to keep hanging on for a while, I think. It'll eventually go away, but probably in 200 years when we and everyone we've ever known is dead and buried. And by then, human civilization will have mucked up the earth pretty terrible anyway. We should probably all

I am happy that you can change your own transmission - I can't say the same. In fact I don't even own a car and I'm not really very good at even driving a stick shift. And guess what? Some in society would say that makes me "less of a man"!!! Is that okay with oh-so-knowledgeable Beans?

Woah. Wait - you're not sure that this society tells men they are supposed to be the breadwinners? You think guys don't feel that? That would be like me saying "I'm not sure this society tells women they are supposed to look beautiful all the time". Can we at least both agree on some well-known truths here?

So does my friend Jack. Good for you, and good for him!

I suppose I should have said "babies inherit their fathers' last names". That make more sense? Would you prefer they inherit their mothers' last names instead? If so, how is that any better? And if that's not the answer - WHAT IS? What's your solution? We can't all just start hyphenating names, we simply don't

Where did you get YOUR last name? It was your dad's, right? Not your mom's. Even if you'd have taken your mother's last name, it would have simply been the one that she got from her father anyway.

"it's the first time this technique has ever been observed in nature."

I have no problem with him playing, nor do I have any right to make decisions for this guy. It sounds like he didn't really know about his son until a couple months ago, but even if he did, his decision to play is his business.

I actually like this guy, and can identify with his opinion on how society (particularly our definition of "work") is a bunch of BS. We keep updating our resumes, going into offices, shaking hands and playing the role we're given. He's right in thinking that the emperor has no clothes. Thing is, our identities and