
The Vikings winning the Super Bowl is simply not possible. They'd fuck it up somehow, even if that agreement was a guarantee. I've got nothing left to give to those guys. So screw 'em. I'll take the fantasy championship every single year. And yes, I think my choice demonstrates why Packer fans look down on us

You know what would be great? If all of the fighters in these vids suddenly joined forces against the cameramen & eggers-on. For example, that first video, the guy who is drunkenly dancing around behind the two guys is the one who needs to get punched. And the video with the women fighting in the parking lot -

No volume on any HS football clips today?

Not really "mad". If 8 people hadn't died, I wouldn't have even noticed. However, they did die, and it got me thinking that this kind of thing is pretty lame.

Yeah, good point. I've attended more than one event south of the border just because "it was there".

Went to a news aggregate site called www.gawker.com, and this story was on the front page.

Why anyone would ever attend one of these things is beyond me. Not victim-blaming, just saying this type of exhibition is completely worthless. What's the reward? You get to watch and hear an extremely loud machine bounce around? That's the best case scenario? I'd much rather jump into a tiger cage - equal chance

Was going to say the same thing. A lot of my fellow Wisconsin grads are now naming their kids "Madison" also.

Sad news, what a tragedy.

That's a great moment, must have been fun watching Yaz hit that one out. I also enjoyed watching Helton get his standing-o, you don't see a lot of guys at his position and talent level going the distance with one club, very cool.

Well, yeah. But you know what I mean. South Carolina is in there, for what it's worth. Getting a good southern boy to play for Carolina was a bonus for the Panthers. They would much have preferred getting Newton over, say, an equally or slightly more talented QB from Oregon or Wisconsin or Nevada.

They are probably right about the on-field talent stuff. But something you have to remember is that it's not all about performance. Cam Newton being drafted to the Panthers, for example - there's more than just a quarterback. The Carolina market is right in the middle of SEC country and Cam was the biggest name

Totally empathize. I just posted my own little story in response to another post - if you're interested in reading about someone going through a similar soul-searching experience related to depression and uncertainty, check it out.

Gaack, I empathize. I am going through a transition now. As a young professional I took a promotion that moved me into the sales department - I was basically doing data entry before that so I had nothing to lose. Turns out I was pretty good at sales. Got promoted into management and all of a sudden I was running

Just wanted to raise my hand and remind all the Americans on this thread that we're NOT Italian. Or Irish. Or Swedish. We like to reference our genetic lineage by shouting it from the rooftops, but it's about time we stop doing it this way. I know it gives us a little bit of a sense of identity, and as Americans

Cabrera was clearly speaking English the whole time - at least to the First Base ump, who came over to talk to him. Miggy clearly said "No, no, no, fuck that."

What the heck was that "wwaaah-haaa!" thing at the end? Weird.

Yeah, pretty much sour grapes on my part. My main complaint was that every other market got to watch a FOX early game, except those of us in Chicago. Having the Bears on TV is terrible, but it's a reality I have come to accept - it would have just been nice to have another option on this particular Sunday,

Just because they are 10 win teams from last year, doesn't mean it's going to be a good game to watch. All things being equal, I'd rather watch Adrian Peterson vs. Calvin Johnson as opposed to Jay Cutler vs. Andy Dalton. It sucks not to at least have the OPTION to watch Minnesota & Detroit, especially being in the

If you live in Chicago and are not a Bears fan, you're getting pretty screwed. No Vikings/Lions or Saints/Falcons game due to "NFL rules". You are forcefed Bears/Bengals and topped off with a Packers game later to top off that shitburger. Pretty terrible for a large market.