
Lots of signs in that window. Full of accusations, but really not directed at anyone in particular. For example, "Cabin thieves". Who? "Textile Lifeguards". What does that mean? Different colored markers on the same signs. Long case numbers written down, frequent references to legal systems, court cases, etc.

What's much more interesting to me than the awards themselves is that so many women in their 30s are actually still watching this kind of thing. And not just watching, but live-blogging, tweeting, and commenting on facebook about it. I speaks to a larger cultural fascination with superficial events. And it's not


Mixed feelings on this. Yes, the patrons are to blame. In a way it's like punishing a liquor store for selling the booze that leads to medical conditions related to chronic alcoholism of a patron. Or punishing a hot dog vendor for selling a hot dog to a heart attack victim. On the other hand, sentences like this

Damn. What a tragedy, my sympathies to the victims and families involved.

Well, I've been to EPL games and experienced the entire "game day" local experience at 4 different stadiums. Arsenal was the worst. Cavernous stadium, terrible lines, getting back on the tube after the game took 2 hours. Man City wasn't great either - the city of Manchester is fantastic but the stadium experience

I'm with you. I've attended 3 EPL games, a Champions League match, and a World Cup Qualifier. I've seen what I consider to be the highest standard of soccer (no I'm not one of those people who calls it 'football' just because I've been there) and the MLS fans strike me as a bunch of wannabes who are simply trying

Screw Arsenal, I feel no pity for them. Went to a Champions League match at their stadium last year and it's pretty clear they're not suffering from lack of funds. Watching the Gunners struggling is like watching the Yankees have a bad season. Enjoy it while you can. The best thing about the EPL is cheering for

Next she'll change it to SharaPOVa for her upcoming role in Vivid Entertainment's "Love Serving Thirty".

Now playing

Not bad, but Lee Elia's infamous Cubs rant still wins. His ire for both the reporters and the fans is unmatched.

Now playing

The problem with articles like the one highlighted here is that it assumes every person should be focused on the future, forever. That we should live our lives today in preparation for being responsible 59 year-old parents of college freshman. Working a fun job is an 'illusion' because you won't be doing it 5 years

I went to White Hart Lane the year before you, really dug the stadium and the area. I actually went to 4 EPL games in a 5-day stretch and WHL felt the most "authentic", kind of the Wrigley Field as opposed to Arsenal's and Man City's mega-parks. Their staff was also really nice to me, I was there last-minute and

Where are all the jokes? No "Hang in there, Ryan", or "She just checked the standings" low-hanging fruit type shit from you mouth breathers today? Because the other day when that Braves fan fell and died there were about 50 smart ass comments complete with +1's and bro-style praise for said humor. Guess this one

I think the problem is that he's takes kickball serious enough to feel that his team "doesn't want it enough". Dude. It's kickball. He needs to join a boxing gym or register for a 10K if he wants to be a "serious" competitor. More often than not, people who take kickball that seriously are kinda ass hats.

"Hey, someone died! Yay, that means we can break out some real zingers in the Deadspin comment section and make fun of this tragedy!" God damn, fuckers. Do you ever quit with this juvenile joke shit? Stop acting like a bunch of candy ass Dane Cook wannabes for one goddamn second. A man died, he has a family that

Unfortunate skirmishes with the legal system and making money in a non-traditional fashion doesn't make these guys The Sopranos. Isn't everyone in New York who rents their apartment out for a few days to make $800 bucks here and there doing the same thing these days? It's illegal after all, at least according to

...those nicks can bleed like hell, too.

When I was living down in the south Caribbean, I met a really nice girl and I thought she was cute. We got to hanging out - but since there aren't many doors in that part of the world I didn't hold any for her. Food's cheap, so picking up the check isn't a big deal either. However, I remember her watching some

Just read the story, yeah so it was called in the 4th.

I was at that game. Phil Bradley hit a leadoff homerun for the Phils, I believe. It was rained out and I'm not sure they got past the 3rd inning but am too lazy to look.