
I agree that this article makes some good points - but let's not forget that Mickey Mouse is a boy mouse, and half of those Care Bears are too. Disney's Tazmanian Devil character looks kinda cutesy too, come to think of it. The big eyes, child-like nature, etc does not just apply to female characters. It's a

The Minneapolis media has a reputation for writing cupcake stories and is rarely mean-spirited or even mildly critical of the Twins, a team that still points to its World Series trophies from the late 80s and early 90s along with a slew of playoff berths from 2002-2010 whenever the wheels start to squeak. La Velle E.

I saw a shark in the wild right off shore of the Pacific coast of Guatemala, about a month ago. Was standing ankle deep and saw some sting rays in a group, kinda riding the face of a wave and thought "holy shit, why are they all together like that?" and right above them I saw this big tail fin just flapping back and

I totally agree with you - watching Dempsey choose to burn his best years in the MLS (ugh) is a huge blow for American soccer players worldwide. Unless he's doing it to be closer to family or something (and I don't think that's the case), this is a terrible, terrible decision and sets US soccer players back 15 years.

Terrible idea, terrible move. This sets American soccer backwards. Having our best player sign with this cheap knock-off Wal-Mart of a league is embarrassing. The MLS is at LEAST 20 years away from being relevant, if not more. And even then, the MLS will be nothing more than a CFL-style league to the EPL's NFL.

My first thought as well. Terrible, terrible move and a blow for US soccer.

Everyone loves Chile-dogs :)

I wouldn't call Nuzzi a "fame hungry 'bitch'"....but from what I've seen so far, I'd settle for plain ol' "fame hungry". Also, she has a serious case of Duckface.

LOL'ed at the end. Ha! Good stuff ladies! :)

When people start talking about the size of the universe, my brain 'asplodes. How is there a "shape" to the universe? That leads me to believe the universe ends at some point. How is that possssssiblllee!??? And if it does have an end - what's going on outside that box? Gaaack!

You're right, of course - but public figures who sell 10 million records to tween-age girls don't get a pass on being "ignorant". While people like you and me are mature enough to know she's going through a stage, her fans (who outnumbers us greatly) think everything she does is kewl. As for bashing Amanda Bynes,

Not cool and not even really that funny. A man died. "RIP" would have sufficed.

"that quote is by one of the researchers" - yes, and there's nothing wrong with a healthy skepticism. However, the subjects of the study are probably not going to say anything, most people involved in these studies do so partially because it's anonymity. People will 'fess up a lot more honest data when they know its

Someone find that bro in the green shorts in the 3rd video - he got in three solid punches, two of which found the opponents eating dirt!

Why do they have a "women's champion" for chess? That's like having a "women's music champion" or something. Chess, bowling, and billiards should just be gender neutral. I dunno, maybe not bowling due to the jackass guys on the tour. But billiards, they play mixed doubles all the time and the professional women

I understand what you are explaining. But that technology doesn't exist. I think we're pretty far away from being able to walk around holograms that are moving and speaking. You're basically talking about "fake people" just supplanted in your living room, so if that's what you need to be happy, keep waiting.

Any chance we can get an injury story on Percy Harvin? I'm pretty sure he took 21 million in guaranteed money before the latest news, and the Seahawks gave up a ton to get him. I suppose his injury doesn't quite fit in this sympathetic group.

Agggh, stop already. You win, Tracy Flick!

Painting everything with a broad brush just because your work buddy didn't enjoy his trip to the Charlotte DoubleTree? And you watched a documentary? While I applaud your enthusiasm, you sound slightly unqualified to offer opinions on Race Relations in The South. Standing on your soapbox and calling the situation

"Regardless of who actually purchased the items, other women inferred that the man had something to do with it and is thus more devoted to her."