
Fuck you, addict parents. "Maybe she'll see this, and not follow it", they said, as if them being such terrible parents may have actually helped the little girl. "He gets a bit of a temper", they chuckle, as their daughter discusses being kicked out of their home numerous times because these parents decided to spend

It doesn't say that at all, to me. You're reading it with a skeptical eye, which I think is great. We should always be skeptical. That is why there are studies, and that is why people are very careful when they release results like this. Leaking this kind of stuff is bound to get criticism, which in part lends to

That last one is great. What is that some girl from a reality show like Wife Swap or something? The dog's like: "wha? oh you're doing this again?"

Just because the results make you cringe, doesn't mean it's complete bullshit. It's a double-blind study with a pretty good sample size, from the University of Minnesota, which ain't exactly U of Phoenix Online. It doesn't sound like this is a conscious thing, but rather some hard-wired deal that goes back a long

You are right. All of these feature abuse, and the violators should be prosecuted. No joke, these assholes deserve jail time. On a side note, what the fuck, suburbia? Most of this crap comes from candy-ass suburban white kids who need their mom and dad to get off their smartphones and give their kids a good swat

Does everyone have to be a part of a labeled group these days? Women seem so desperate, especially in their early 20's, to find a place to BELONG. Labeling your new group "geek girls" doesn't make it any better than "cheerleaders" or "delta delta deltas". Same pig, new lipstick. For god sakes, ladies, be yourself.

Meanwhile, this article is posted right above the Rag Trade pubs and all the Royal Baby junk. Maybe Jez needs to get on board and start baby-stepping with CNN.

Would this work in any foreign country with 4G data? Say, if I took this thing to Guatemala, could I watch MLB.TV using my account (if indeed MLB.TV allows content to be streamed there?)

Right - she wants black friends...for herself. Might as well be talking about a doll collection. If you're around black people, you'll make black friends. I myself would probably like a lumberjack as a friend, but I don't live in the Alaskan wilderness, and thus I guess I'll just have to accept reality. When

Fig Newtons, not "Newton's". /sorry

You: disgusted with her because she's being irresponsible and a bad role model.

....and you guys know it - and you're just using it as an excuse to grouse and feel all persecuted. You have plenty of reasons to feel like martyrs, but the birth of a Royal baby boy ain't one of 'em. Shut it.

This article is why Jez haters feel the need to troll and belittle this site. This was something that was said off-the-cuff; it's not like anyone thinks this was a really clever move by Kate. Much like a baseball announcer would say "Harris was brilliant, he got the triple out of the way first when hitting for the

Who's Carmen Electra? I guess I haven't seen here in a while, maybe she's just traveling with the Cleveland Indians these days.

It appears to be a wombat. That was my first guess also.

Also, what's the deal with men working at Hooters? I know they can work in the kitchen, as a host, or a bartender — but is it impossible to get a job as a waiter there? One would think that boobs are a requirement to serve food there, considering the company mission statement. And how is that not discrimination?

I'm a dude and could not agree more. Hooters puts their waitresses in a strange position - it's a restaurant, right? So...treat them like you would a normal waitress...right? But then, there's the whole boobs thing, and it's so clearly advertised as a place to see boobs...so now they're objects...right? I'm not

Not so sure on this one. Richard Dawkins once said he thought anyone believing in a God should be "mocked and ridiculed in public", which is a bit harsh...but at the same time, how much progress can we make as a species if we don't address this HUGE emperor-isn't-wearing-any-clothes issue? Putting on kid gloves

I can't win a tattoo argument when I'm facing recently tattooed sorority girls, hipsters, and housewives, much like an atheist can't win a debate with a religious nut-job.

Tattoos are like selfies. They belong to insecure people longing to create their own identities for the world to see*. I don't see a rebel, I see a trend-following moron. People go to Guatemala for 2 weeks their junior year of college and get a Mayan symbol tattoo and say things like "I just totally identify with