
5 stars for the "porky pine" reference. I LOLed.

I disagree. How does Bob know when/how the car got into that space? It could have been the only spot left at the time and some poor guy had to do a parallel parking job to squeeze in the night before. Just because it's the only car on the street when Bob comes out to work his night shift, doesn't mean it was parked

So you were just an innocent bystander trying to protect his kid? None of this was your fault and could not be avoided? You didn't mouth off to him at all, you simply said "don't curse there are kids around" and he decked you? Sorry buddy, not buying it. Maybe you should keep your smart mouth shut next time you

So you were just an innocent bystander trying to protect his kid? None of this was your fault and could not be avoided? You didn't mouth off to him at all, you simply said "don't curse there are kids around" and he decked you? Sorry buddy, not buying it. Maybe you should keep your smart mouth shut next time you

When someone asks you questions, rapidly, on camera, in a foreign language....your first instinct is to think "holy shit I have no idea what he's saying". Trust me, it's not easy. I'm sure Chapman speaks enough English to get by in the US, but dealing with interviews is a different kind of challenge.

Bump. Totally agree, that movie was fantastic. Some of those drawings would be hanging in a museum if they were done today...but they were painted THIRTY THOUSAND YEARS AGO. WITH CHARCOAL AND STICKS. Respect!

Questions. Which female comedians do you guys support by going to their shows? How many female comedians have you personally paid to see? There's a huge audience out there and 50% of it is made up of women. If WOMEN support WOMEN then there will probably be more WOMEN on the list next year. The data seems to

If it's a "dinosaur thing" then it's probably a crocodile or alligator or some other exotic pet (monitor lizard, etc). At least that's my guess. Leaning towards a dog right now, but with no scale you're right who knows.

Totally agree with the way you said that. People like to introduce themselves: "Hi I'm Alina and I'm a full-time Mom". And it's kind of ridiculous. Of course being a mom of a young kid is tough and you learn a lot about life raising a child, but why do we have to squash "motherhood" into the "previous experience"

I read the same thing upon first glance!

Rendon cracked a homer, the fan cracked his head, and the announcer cracked a joke.

Huh. Ten years. I actually thought Simon had potential. He had popped up on my radar for one reason or another, probably for fantasy baseball or something...and then just disappeared.

I should feel ashamed because I'm uncomfortable watching a mentally challenged sex crime victim pushed up onto a podium by the public relations arm of some new charity looking for publicity? Nah-uh.

Watching Michelle Knight's mental illness on display as she tries to get through this PR-planned stunt is like watching a baby elephant with 2 broken legs try and get out of a sinkhole. Tragic. IMO she'd be better off in the hands of caring professionals, as opposed to standing in front of cameras. I know I'm

While I agree it was powerful to see how she turned away her family after her rescue (for good reason it seems) there's nothing too inspiring about her speech. She's not being 'sassy', she's acting like a clueless child and displays some uncomfortable signs of obvious mental illness. I'm not supposed to dislike it,

Iz peeping in ur window.

"Lack of parking"? Would you rather Wrigley Field be out in Schaumberg so you could park your 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe in the IKEA parking lot and eat veggie-tacos? The fact that the field is right in the middle of a city neighborhood is the reason people go in the first place. The out-of-town corn pickers can ride

I went to a soccer game last week in a small town in Guatemala - not only was there a fight that spilled onto the pitch, these guys were driving motorcycles and scooters on the field whenever the ball was kicked down to the other end. And it was fantastic.

Exactly. Watching a bunch of attention-grabbing kids ACTING for their stage parents on camera isn't exactly something that makes my week. Kinda makes me roll my eyes. Anyone who thinks this is spontaneous and/or cute needs to turn off the Disney Channel and slowly back away from the television set.

"the gum-snapping, Jnco-pants-wearing Icarus known as Justin Bieber has not yet flown into the sun", and "if anyone feels like spontaniously lactating" were my two favorite ledes on the gawker family today. Good stuff Anna :)