
You're the type of guy who would never go on an African Safari in Zimbabwe because you can get the "same exact thing" at Disney's (TM) Wild Animal Park.

Couldn't have said that better myself. Agreed!

And here's a little nugget of information - this was what the first mascot looked like in 1967. He was called Maxie Miner.

And you would prefer to watch hockey players who have rockets attached to their skates and AR-15 rifles attached to their sticks. You want to watch pitching machines throw to RoboCops with aluminum bats. You want to build an elevator that takes you up to Mount Everest so you can claim the title of Fastest Ascent.

I appreciate extreme talent. When it comes to athletics I reserve my highest appreciation for those that accomplish great feats without the use of machines. I guess we can agree to disagree on that, no harm done.

You can watch a Silicon Valley millionaire's son take a helicopter up to a peak in Colorado and think it's cool. You can get your jones on by watching some guy with 17 lifeguards and a camera crew get towed out to sea on a $50,000 jetski. You can call a guy getting carried up Mt. Everest by 10 sherpas with an

It doesn't diminish the terrain at all. It does diminish the "everyman" status of the feat. Getting towed in by JetSki to big waves and heli-ed in to high peaks isn't something that anyone with a surfboard or a pair of skis can just go do. Just like that space jump a few months ago. I respect the feat, but the guy

True. Reminds me of those skiers that use a helicopter to drop in to those insane runs. I agree that it's completely awesome, but as soon as you start adding machines into the mix, a small degree of awe and respect gets lost in the feat. Still cool though.

And the reaction from the girl nearby when said head is tossed.


Cool - was that on one of two big cathedrals in town? I think one is the "old" church and one is the "new", but both are ancient. I was there a couple of years ago, I remember being very impressed by the main plaza too...

Now playing

Thank you! I found it a few years ago in vid form, it's commonly known as "Dramatic Lemur". Of course, it's not a lemur, it's a tarsier I think, from the Philippines. The original vid was set to that music you hear in a movie theater before it starts:

And I was like:

Great points, nicely done Nate.

Yeah, well said. They were definitely glamorized during their time as well, I'd almost liken it to star athlete status in some cases. Pirates were written about in newspapers and quickly public had interest. Most pirates weren't famous - but those that were stopped the presses. So I bet they wouldn't be too


CBS has a contract with the NFL, so both the league and the network agreed on a deal and both are responsible for holding up their ends. As an NFL employee, Belicheck probably didn't break any terms, but he certainly did his best to piss off their business partner and that's frowned upon. Why do you think the NFL

You make a good point. With respect to NFL football, the 4pm EST games are considered the "primetime" affairs. There are fewer late games than early games, so the national audience for late games is larger. CBS gets to choose which teams play in that slot when schedules are released. This doesn't mean every game -

I believe that networks and teams agree, at least informally, to have words with both coaches after a game. To snub CBS after a season where the Pats were given prime-time games by the network was a jerk move. It's akin to not giving an opposing coach a handshake after a game.

Either you didn't get my sarcasm, or I'm not getting yours.