Solidly in the greys, but since the only way I’ve been able to survive this election cycle is by reading Jez, I just wanted to say thank you. To all of you. And will enjoy the Live Blog tonight.
Solidly in the greys, but since the only way I’ve been able to survive this election cycle is by reading Jez, I just wanted to say thank you. To all of you. And will enjoy the Live Blog tonight.
“Appear” being the word I should have emphasized better. You are talking about this part of the quote, right?
To be fair, you should realize that as a non football playing attendee of PSU, you absolutely are considered a second class citizen by the school.
Nothing in the article implies that. The quote even goes so far as to state they aren’t making that implication.
Without consulting my pamphlet, I’m having trouble understanding which side of the fake-liberal anger spectrum I should be on with this out-of-context-yet-not-subtle-with-the-implications blog post.
First of all, university disciplary matters are not public trials in the way we commonly think about them — there is no due process, no jury trial, etc. Any right to representation is defined by the student code of conduct and, again, it’s different and probably far more limited than a public courtroom.
In my opinion, the article title kinda obfuscates the real issue. The fact that Penn St. has a list of lawyers it hands out to its students is nothing. The fact that Universities appear to be paying private attorneys for student athlete legal fees in direct actions that are unrelated to team business (and sometimes…
Diana, if you’re gonna write for Deadspin, you’ve got to follow the style guide.
Sadly the NCAA will be far more interested in how players could pay those lawyers than they were about children being raped.
If a player did this, columns would be written across the country and Goodell would suspend him two games. Four if he were black.
“I won’t be disrespected!”
He’s shown an ability to bully a blocker off the line.
Gallant is all jimmy hats and a ride home. Goofus is raw doggin and wont call you back. Goofus is the worst, his name is a trigger for everyone of a certain age.
The match in 10 days between the Jets and Brown is already been billed as The Resistable Force versus The Moveable Object.
The Derrick Rose civil trial, in its last hours of testimony, was all about text messages on Tuesday. It began with…
Wrong. First one must determine liability, then damages. None of Chavez’ testimony was relevant to liability she wasn’t there and didn’t see her immediately thereafter, so anything she may testify to isn’t relevant to whether or not she was sexually assaulted. Chavez’ testimony was relevant to damages bc they went to…
A continued thank-you to Deadspin for being the only publication of any size and repute to be publishing regular information about a major sexual assault trial involving a former NBA MVP.
I still have minutes. It isn’t a burner. I am just grandfathered into the verizon unlimited data and text plan and if I change my minutes, I lose unlimited data.
Judges hate mistrials. A truly unbelievable amount of preparation goes into conducting a trial. Doing it all over again is maddening. The effect of a mistrial is that all the other pending cases get pushed back, clogging up their docket of cases. Many Judges see a mistrial as their own failure in the courtroom.
Doctor: I'm afraid your have mouth cancer, Mr. Dykstra.