Ghinne Blerb, Jr.

Don’t get confused. There is a monumental difference between owning a stake and a company that also accepts foreign investment and the possible wrongdoing implied by the article. For example, accepting a bribe through a corporation, even if that corporation is established for a legitimate purpose, is not legal. The

On top of everything, Rikers is pre-trial detention for the NYC area. He has already been sentenced, so its not like he can be out on bail. They have to keep him somewhere. Its not like he is in a supermax. Those who cry shed tears as a proxy for continuing to dispute his established guilt.   

3095029380923 other people make similar half-brained suggestions that neglect to mention that the US Constitution requires LIFETIME TENURE FOR ARTICLE THREE JUDGES and, thus each and everyone of these dumb-ass plans cannot get off the ground without 2/3+ support by the legislative branches and yet, I am the one who is

Yes, he is also extrapolating a point that is not even supported by the loaded survey question he cites to.

Equating disagreement over a contentious and divisive topic to viewpoint discrimination is a tiring exercise in semantics and bad faith. What if a Kobe stan said you weren’t allowed to think Lebron is better because democracy?  Its idiotic.  That said, he is just trying to signal to those in his echo-chamber, which,

Article 3 Judges have lifetime tenure.  This plan would require a constitutional amendment. If we are pointing out problems with it, might want to start there.

I believe that the insurers tried to sue to obtain a judgment that they were not required to defend or indemnify Weinstein. Likely, the pool of funds established represents a compromise on the question of coverage and makes business sense for the insurer.  

most E&O or D&O policies do not cover intentional wrongful acts. In this case, there was probably some compromise by the insurers to limit their amount of indemnification and end their duty to defend.

There are a lot of rats though.

All Article III Judges have lifetime tenure, so as a Circuit Court Judge, Garland still has lifetime job security.  

I don’t think Boston has the strongest package. Its probably the Clippers-whose players do not have the stench of petty failure on them. Regardless of how you value the Laker’s package, which is ultimately tied to Ingram’s health, it certainly gained value yesterday.  Boston probably has the second best package, but

Drafting and signing a bill that is plainly unconstitutional, either for political purposes, or because you believe that SCOTUS will bail you out should open you up to liability for damages arising from your legislative acts. It doesn’t but this is craven and immensely irresponsible. I hope people realize that the

I think there is an assumption that some kinda of centrist “silent majority” exists right now. Old school dems are trying to grasp onto that group with the assumption that being “sensible” is really the only cure anyone wants. If Trump were more like Bush II, that could be the case. I think we are too far gone at this

We are all too focused on praying for KD’s precious tendons to fully appreciate this burn.

This isn’t the first time that Spiro has been accused of improper contact with an adverse party. Not saying either times were ethics violations, but, sometimes, reputations can be made by accusations alone.    

Judging by the fact that he ate tape this morning, I’d say minestrone. You know? Just a classic soup: not too light like tomato bisque and not too heavy for the early morning like a beef w barley.  

Gomez doesn’t look as terrified as much as he looks like he is having a reflective moment, maybe narrating to himself in the third person “When Joe Gomez woke up this morning, he knew the day held something special, something different, little did he know it would be his last day as a baritone ...” 

A lot of unions who declared support for democrats had difficulty delivering their members in the last election, so the radio host’s comment might be accurate (even if rooted in idiocy). This was, despite the fact that the GOP is a (more) pro-employer party and it was common knowledge that the Scalia SCOTUS seat would

Its the equivalent of someone pointing out a formatting error in your term paper and then, through innuendo and eye-brow raises, reaching the conclusion that your hypothesis is wrong.  

The only people who eat sloppy joes are children and divorcee dads learning to cook for the first time eat. Are wraps excluded? I feel like you missed a whole grouping of sandwiches if they are allowed. Also, isn’t a BLT just a poor man’s club sandwich?