I live in North Buffalo which is an ok neighborhood. a couple blocks away from the semi-rundown part of town. :/
they can't spit in your bottle... :)
I work at a sit-down restaurant (Red Robin) and get half off on my breaks. so paying $6 for a filling tasty and healthy meal sounds like a better plan for me personally.
googling those words is just dumb. lol. besides I'm sure wikipedia has a good article on it. :)
if you have an apartment that small, I'm sure you live by yourself or maybe 1 other person. and that doesn't use much dishes.
Boot Camp. :)
I just hold it in my hand. I already gave up comfort by running with over-ear headphones. :)
yeah I have a Compaq (owned by HP) and the function key problem is annoying, but luckily I use the shortcuts more than the F keys.
Android has it free out of the box. enough said. :P
example: you boss calls you over from the other side of the room out of your sight.
I work at a restaurant, so no headphones for me. :/
exactly! :)
sucks on MY computer. only 2GB of RAM and 2.2 GHz single core processor though...
I ride my squeaky flat bike 3 miles to work while listening to music on my big duct-taped Skullcandy heshes...I'm broke if you couldn't tell. :)
that looks like a quick way to overheat your laptop... :)
I have 256MB of RAM, beat that! :P
I meant use public wifi to torrent... ;)
you think that's lowend?! I have a Backflip! Thank God for CM7...
just torrent over unprotected wifi...did that at Starbucks a few times. ;)