
And then there’s the full lips, perfect legs, thin waist, and supermodel face.

Don’t even get me started on the woman, she’s almost as unrealistic.

I don’t know who all these people are who love Barb. I thought she was annoying as hell and kept forgetting who she was after she disappeared.

Only blogs like Jezebel and the self-important segment of Giz/io9 want you to think you should care about Barb.

Only mouth breathers want ‘justice’ for Barb. Barb was a buzz kill and a cock block and deserved her fate.

Honest question: do we really care THAT much about Barb? Because both my wife and I can’t make heads or tails about the outrage over her disappearance.

To arrive at this conclusion, Andics and his team trained 13 dogs to lay completely motionless in a fMRI brain scanner.