
The Democrats would be in power if they weren’t spineless, disconnected, feckless tools who are too busy sniffing their own farts to realize they have been getting their asses whipped for 10 years. Stop blaming the people who came out to vote despite not liking their choices.

Shut the fuck up. You’re horrible.

He’s gonna show it now, isn’t he? :-(

Absolutely. We could potentially get a fake presidential dick pic at a press briefing, and fact checkers will do the unimaginable work of finding which male porn star’s penis they’re trying to pass off as his own, all while Hannity spends hours breaking down male genitalia.

Neither Collins, Murkowski nor ANY woman should be the exclusive “conscience” of the Senate. But yeah, even without Ford’s accusation, these two have more than enough info on Kavanaugh to downvote. If they don’t, the “pro-choice” masks are off.

Thank you for the reply; I'm really glad that you're ok. And you have a great point: the more we talk about rape and abuse openly, the closer we get to a situation where the only shame is for the perpetrators, not the victims 

Aww you are lovely for saying that, thank you! This experience was a long time ago now and thankfully I am ok. I think the hardest part is talking about the experience because, in our society being open about it is also viewed by others as attention seeking. I am so glad for the girls these days that the #Metoo

Because it’s already assumed by everyone involved that Republican men won’t give a shit what a single woman has to say. About anything, much less their asshole nominee.

One of the only positives about the current climate is how my (very, very leftist) views are suddenly seen as a lot less tinfoil-hatty in all the strident ranting.

Oh, damn. I'm sorry to hear how you were treated after experiencing that! Not going to be trite & offer thoughts&prayers, but please know that some Internet rando truely does wish you well. I hope you have found a way to cope with the betrayal after the horrible act and are now happy & healthy. 

So sorry that happened to you.

Yeah, I’m shocked Team Pro-Rape Pregnancy would do this

Oh, of COURSE he did. Old patriarchalist MUST refer to female adversary as confused, mixed-up, and/or “young lady”. Go die, Orrin.

Silly Dan, we can’t expect MALE senators to lift a finger about sexual assault! That’s women’s work!

Your point is well taken. However, the near entirety of the republican party can be trusted only to act as vile fucking partisan hacks.

This is very true. When I was 19 I was raped by a guy I knew. When I went to the doctor after the incident, the Doctor asked if I was drinking and I said yes. He looked at me and said, well what did you expect, you can’t blame a guy if you were drunk. I cried and told him that I had said no, but the doctor said

And it isn’t limited to the Trump camp, the entire GOP should be considered compromised.

One of my least favorite things about our modern times is how it has changed my personality - mainly how I used to be able to keep my anxiety at bay because the worst case scenarios I envisioned never came true. Now, if my imagination goes to a scary and extreme place, I know that probably means it’s just my

And before you start typing “anyone can be falsely accused” remeber that Neil Gorsuch was equally hated by the left and didn’t get accused, Nor Did Roberts or Alito. Or Ted Cruz, or Mike Pence, or, or, or.

“One of my main political goals has been to legislate away women’s rights to have autonomy over their own bodies and choices...what makes you think I’d ever sexually assault anybody???”