
This isn’t a take, this is poetry man...

Deadspin is a blog about being a sports fan. If you want to read a sports blog go to, I don't know Bleacher Report. They live in New York. They follow the Knicks. This is a Knicksonian thing to do. What do you want?

I wouldn’t mind Burneko’s take on it, but I assume it would be exactly the same as Joel Embiid’s.

Hey it’s a nice change from the around the clock gymnastics and ice skating coverage.

He didn’t say Caucasian, he said white, you fucking idiot.

Kinja is currently crashing hardcore for me, not letting me respond, so that may be it for me.

You pathetic fucking liar! Dear Gods.

I see you edited your comment to make it even more blatantly racist, appealing to the very common racist cliche of “Arab lands”, as if Arabs are a single monolithic mass. You’re just parroting the most vile and bigoted “pro-Israel” junk you can pull out of your racist ass now huh?

Let’s be clear; I’m being harsh and rude to some spineless and dishonorable people here shilling the Israeli government’s narrative and trying to smear Hill even further.

The nation of Israel only exists because white people didn’t an influx of Jewish people immigrating to their countries. 

At the absolute worst, Hill is guilty of a poor choice of phrase. I and many others would argue he isn’t even that, all the people saying it’s “clearly anti-Semitic” have conveniently forgotten Herut-Likud slogans that use the phrase in a nationalist sense for Israelis, but even accepting he should have used a

I think we need to take into account a few things before I respond. I’m going to call out the traditionally unchallenged idea that Jewish ppl (being the historic and present day targets of pervasive antisemitism) are, notwithstanding, both economically and racially capable of using their privilege to silence and to

Thank you for explaining what people can and cannot be for or against all the while completely confusing what Dr. Hill was against.

For the record: he’s been labeled an antisemite before precisely because of his sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Lately they’ve been throwing that same albatross around the neck of writer Alice Walker who also supports the Palestinian cause. Its all about power & control - controlling some black voices.

Some nuance here, for those unaware: What Prof. Hill said with regard to criticizing the occupation is 100% correct, this coming from an American Jew. The vast majority of ultras in Israel do not consider the 35% of American Jews who identify as Reform as even BEING JEWISH. They are some of the biggest hypocrites in

What is crazy to me is that so many of the supposed pro-Israel/pro-Settlement people are hardcore conservative Christians from the United States who only support Israel because they are trying to bring about the end times and are speaking out of both end of their ass because they they most definitely are also support

For fuck sake. Calling for an armed resistance to an oppressor, even if that oppressor is Isreali, is not fucking anti-Semitism.

Israel is an ethnostate, literally enshrined in their laws as of this year. He is saying to destroy the ethnostate in favor of egalitarianism.

Even without the “river to the sea” part he’d be called an anti-Semite so this reaction is hardly surprising.

Yeah, the whole system has become completely f-ed up because of mandatory minimum sentencing. Prosecutors cakewalk through conviction after conviction because over 90% of defendants take plea deals, on account how insane and draconian the sentencing guidelines have become (thanks, Bill!  Thanks, Arlen!)  This has led