
SNL writers should be fired for feeding a reasonably talented cast extremely lame jokes; not for tweeting a harsh (but solid) one about a kid who happens to be the president's son.

People behaving out-of-character for no reason or making stupid decisions causes false drama or maybe comedy, but (for me) not real drama. I really can't care for them anymore. With Breaking Bad I couldn't care less if Walter White lived or died, mainly because he picked the dumbest thing to do at every turn.

I did and your post was one of them. Characters making incomprehensible decisions or behaving out-of-character for no other apparent reason than to carry the plot line annoys me. It's what ruined Breaking Bad for me.

"the only person who could have possibly dug John out of this whole…" Whole? Not a native speaker here, but I think that should be 'hole'. Other than that, good article and thanks for the warning. I'm gonna pass on season 2.

Not The Conjuring? *clap, clap*