Here’s some nice news: Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil is opening a center for ostracized LGBTQ people at…
‘It was only after some of her male friends “interjected with their disbelief”’
How about her prominent feminism and social activism?
U don’t like move on others do. Says a boring white person.
A little OT but I’m FUMING. I just heard a fragment of a Dutch radio show in which the two DJs had hired a streaker to dangle his naked penis in front of the face of a 20 year old female singer. She starts to cry, and they are laughing their heads off. Then she apologizes, you know, for not being cool. She sobs: ‘I’m…
Why? He’s shown no reason to think he does. Why does he get the benefit of the doubt?
Same and included more women of color. Leslie is amazing and should have been in it more.
I said this on the last article, about McConnell supposedly believing Moore’s accusers: he never did believe them and his decision about whether or not to back Moore has nothing to do with Moore being a sexual predator of minors.
Every now and then, the displaced dinosaur that is monarchy really comes through for the news cycle. Like today,…
It will be okay. Eventually. In the meantime I recommend deciding what *you* need most.
I could really use some love right now. My husband just told me that he wasn’t willing to try on our marriage. We’re ending.
I grew up poor, yet attended a private school and was always getting money for activity fees, and this dialogue feels like a gut punch. I’ve since grown up and have done everything I could to let my parents (who are now much better off) know how much I appreciate them.
I think (I could be wrong) but for me, it’s more about who she chooses to surround herself with? Obviously it’s not fair to paint people with generalizations, but white people gave her family so much shit for 8 years, and it seems like her (mostly white) friends are the ones constantly outing her for doing normal…
if you eat turkey for thanksgiving you are complicit in this slaughter. You should know what it looks like, what it smells like (awful), you should participate in it. We are too removed from our food.
Yeah. White people think that if they say they didn’t notice someone’s race, they can just act even more racist. It’s not working dumb white people! Ugh. Jan’s the worst.
Jan saying lying that her ass “didn’t notice that she was Black” is bullshit because she led in her first post with “political correctness.” A white person only references ‘political correctness’ (an already bullshit term—but that’s a rant for another day) when they’re attempting to sugarcoat the white privilege in…
Ask and you shall receive:
Look at Me has probably scarred so many people at this point. It’s the equivalent of that old Dave Barry article about snakes in toilets, for me. Now I can’t sit on a toilet without being nervous about getting my ass bit by a snake AND I can’t wear headphones with my back to a door. GREAT.