Wow, when Bob Ryan realizes what he said, his face is going to be red and cracked and just plain yucky.
Wow, when Bob Ryan realizes what he said, his face is going to be red and cracked and just plain yucky.
Plus, the Hawks won an NBA championship when they were in St. Louis.
Right. There are like 300k people that live in the city and around 2.5M - 2.8M that live in the metropolitan area. They’re right, the CITY has no economic growth, but that’s not the fan base anyway.
Seriously? Probably not much.
Sirry, I meant to type ‘mental illness’, but I still think it’s a solid point.
Hopefully after this he won’t go back, Jack, and do it again.
I very much doubt Obama wants any such discrimination, but I can’t see how he can stop it: instituting mental health checks seems bound to bring about a situation in the Deep South where only ‘whites’ have lawful access to guns.
I have seen a few reasons people are opposed generally:
Well, the only reason I can think of is that dangerous people start somewhere, and if that place is buying a gun, then we aren’t gonna know that they are dangerous yet because their record will be clean. Or, that people who pass background checks will make guns available to those that wouldn't/ shouldn't (example:…
The problem with that one is that totalitarian governments have used ‘mental health’ issues as a tool for discrimination and/or totalitarian enforcement. In the context of the US, do you really think a country where overt racism is endemic is going to a) be entirely fair to all, regardless of skin colour, or b) use…
According to that the First Amendment doesn’t apply to the Internet, tv, or telephones.
Good, we can also only apply free speech to pamphlets and broadside newspaper.
Th thing that makes me mad about this whole debate is how irrelevant it actually is. So what if it is a choice to be gay? It's your own prerogative and it still affects no one.
I’m quite certain the guy has done exactly what he’s accused of doing, but his point is that it’s very easy to ruin someone’s life now without anything approaching due process. He probably deserves to have his career ruined, but he doesn’t seem confused about the 1st Amendment, or due process.
Because even if the state refuses to bring charges for lack of evidence, the First Amendment continues to allow people to call him a rapist without him being able to defend himself.
I would love it if they gave me a train with every purchase. A lot of that stuff is built into regulation for suppressors and automatic weapons, that’s why they are very rarely used to commit mass shootings. Once something is placed outside of impulse purchase range then it is less likely to be used in favor of…