
You can get rid of twitter but you’ll still be left with a bunch of twits.

Every day I pray for this outcome


He’s not gonna stop tweeting and he’s certainly not going anywhere at Tesla. So what happens with this latest dust-up with the SEC?

Can we just get rid of twitter? It doesn’t seem to have actually added any value to humanity. 

Three words, my friend:

Water. Cooled. Alternator. 

There is a little bit of a masochist in me that would love to have one of those V10 TDI Touaregs, just to tinker with.

Waiting for commenters to drool over this while calling HD trucks overpowered, overpriced, and excessive in 3...2...1....

All tweets are bad, and everyone who tweets should be held in contempt.

Wait, hold up. Those Chevy commercials told me they won the JD Power Most Reliable award. You mean to tell me those awards are worthless? What about those normal people and their important opinions?

What hath God wrought?

short bus, long price. CP

I voted NP, why, because fuck you, that's why, welcome to Canada motherfuckers

I’ve seen these on several planes from a number of carriers for a while now. I’m not especially worried. I’m not doing anything illegal, embarrassing or incriminating on an airplane, so what evs. Its also not an angle where it can see what I’m looking at on my own phone or laptop. In fact, the trend seems to be more

Because when you build seatback electronic equipment, you do it once. You use your imagination and get every possible hardware feature included in those units so you dont have to re-PMA a new part, redo RTCA DO-160 environmental testing, do new headstrike ball impact or abuse load testing on the screen, and do new dyna

And they are manufactured like a Dodge/Chrysler:

In other words, a bunch of police departments with extra asset forfeiture money are about to get new toys to play army with.

I am The Machine!

Black Panther is a decent superhero flic, but best movie material? Not even close