Even as someone who passionately prefers a stick shift, I find your anger perplexing.
One more reason why I want a third pedal back in my life.
i thought it was just ferrari getting cocky when it looked like they might just win now
Those twitter post look like predictive text writng vague deep quotes
A practical demonstration of the same concept in reverse (flying into a strong headwind)
Deciding to talk about ground speed, not airspeed, is kind of clickbaity. Nobody ever used ground speed when talking about airplanes. You might as well report on Torchinsky walking at 30 mph on a windy day.
Broke the barrier. No longer Virgin.
And this, dear colleagues, is the hybrid that all the dumbasses awaiting the mythical $35K Tesla Model 3 should be buying.
Nothing... wait scratch that, what do I have to learn to make enough to not have to consider this as a transportation option.
OK, so I know last time I said I was going to stop trying to convince you to work on the good stuff ... but I just can’t. Push this pile into the yard, and get to work on either the Golden Eagle or the J10. You know, the good stuff. You need to learn a lesson in sunk costs my friend.
it’s probably okay
Or he can take the loss and move on to one of the multiple other projects already sitting at his house that aren’t structural and safety nightmares.
Gotta love a project where the body is holding the frame together
This thing is turning into the Jeep of Theseus.
“Now, there’s a chance that this could be some sort of hatchback, which would be cool. But I’m inclined to believe that it’s a compact crossover,”
I mean, it’s a fucking SUBARU. That’s basically their business model. They’ve been making crossovers since before we called every hatchback with more than 6 inches of ground clearance a crossover.