
I wonder how this data varies based on the different types/classes of vehicle.

This story is exactly why I was critical of the dude who was on the verge of borrowing against his retirement fund, yet still shopping for a $20k car.

Alaska, too, but only for the first week or two of winter.  And even then most of the cars in the ditch new arrivals. 

Yeah, your wife needs to learn some defensive driving skills. That’s one of the most basic of rules: scan the intersection BEFORE you enter it!!!

No. EVERYONE there should have been on winter tires. Then, the truck would have stopped, the police car would have moved and THEN the sun would have come out.

I used to live in an apartment on the second floor over a restaurant on the corner of a 4 way stop. I heard a ‘crack-CRACK-thunk’ and the building shook. I looked out the window, and saw a semi had run the light, and pushed a UPS truck into the side of the building. I could just about touch the top of the truck out

As a life long resident of Wisconsin it’s so frustrating that every winter other life long residents of Wisconsin seem to forget how to drive in the snow. Never fails. 

I mean, trucks at fault, no question. But bro... look before you turn...ALWAYS.

Where did you order your snowstorm from, and how much did it cost?  I’m also in the market for a snowstorm of reasonable magnitude...

These are great. BRB going to Craigslist to buy someone else’s project.

Reviews and the questions are the worst:

Dude, you need to watch what you say... the BITOG folks will be along any second..... you get strung up for what you just said.

Also, you drive a toyota tacoma. You should consider whether that has anything to do with it. 

When my oil arrived there was a big scratch on the label. 1/5 stars. I have no thoughts on the quality of the oil itself.

Except for the cars sliding around on the interstate...

I’m going to put my money down on the “These people have never voted and couldn’t find their polling place if you threatened to crush their cars” square.


Price <500
Model: Volvo


But do be the guy that enjoys Snownuts on a deserted parking lot.

Man, I wonder if there were any other sports cars that shared a motor with a minivan.