
12:30 mark gets a little scary

Any more I think they keep beating that horse just because it gets people like us to reply.

I’ll let you know when it arrives:

Modern CUV’s aren’t bad on gas. Let’s say it again one more time because every writer thinks that once gas hits $4 a gallon everyone will be trading their RAV4 for a Corolla.

One word: Flooble crank. 

Another weird hill chosen to die on.

I think KIAs main rep is cheap fucking cars sold through the slimiest of dealers.

I’ve never been impressed by anything GM has ever offered and have never considered them. So I could say I’d boycott them, but that’s be a lie, since I never wanted what they sold in the first place.

3rd owner here.

This is the kind of confident ignorance that happens when you have just a little bit of knowledge on a subject. He is right that the W stands for winter. That is where his understanding of multi weight oils ends.

Ford buying Lincoln. In about 80 years you are going to have issues with stale product, misguided brand identity and increased pressure from the new Japanese offerings, which will lead failure to capture a younger demographic.

The big thing many people don’t understand is what temps warrant idling your vehicle before leaving. If it’s above freezing, why waste the gas. If it’s -30 degrees like we had last week, let your car warm for a few minutes.

It’s also illegal to drive without clearing your windows.

Not everyone can afford to do this sadly

While it’s not “necessary”, I can tell you my vehicles are much happier to take off after idling for a few minutes in cold weather than they are if I just jump in and go. Not to mention this gives the vehicle time to warm up slightly to keep the windows defrosted.

I live in the land of Canadia. We have anti-idling laws (remote start or not), but it would take a real cock sucker to drop a fine on your windshield when it’s -25C.

You bet your @$$ I let my long-suffering Hyundai warm up for 15 minutes when it was -30F the other day.  I could practically hear and feel how cold it was in the engine block. 

I see no mention of the things attached to an engine, like power steering fluid, transmission fluid, diff grease. Also things like springs need to warm up. Gentle driving for the first 15 minutes then your good to go,

I have found that kerosene and lighters work pretty well.

I mean, if they won’t start, they’re no good to me.

I made one of my frat’s pledges beat this mission for me. Definitely my most shameful act of hazing.