
Well, one is made of steel and plastic and goes off road, while the other is made from corn and a variety of meats, and is quite tasty.

A moose once bit my sister. No realli!

OH - and that’s what they get for putting stupidly-sized rims on a truck.

1) Buy ridiculously crappy car

Do less.

BaT for the hopelessly broke trading garbage for garbage and loving it

I traded a clapped out Nissan 200sx s11 for a big ass sack-o-weed once, I really miss that weed

its not much but i threw in 10, fuck these neighbors

These people (who happen to be women) may be wrong, but that does not make them bitches, and saying they need to get laid is sexist, obnoxious, and indicative of your misogyny. Please try to be civil.

Yup. Pony up folks.

I’m in for $20

I’m so pissed off with this story. I was born and raised in Delaware. I grew up not far from where this story is set in what we affectionately call “slower lower Delaware.” My family are farmers. And everyone I grew up around literally represent the stereotypical definition of community. at least that’s how it was.

I can not, in good conscience, support such a half-measure; however I would be willing to generously donate to any organization seeking to catapult the plaintiffs into the Pacific.

I’m only replying in the hopes that it helps to drive the conversation toward the top of the comment list. With a picture.

Tell those people to move out so I can be his neighbor. I got a classic car and a bunch of tools.


This is kinda awesome actually. You can now buy a car that’s capable of doing a stoppie. xD

Trust me after you buy one of these you will never look back, primarily because you won’t be able to see anything.

That is John Boyd Dunlop. He has given us the pneumatic tire. Please stop trying to bury the pneumatic tire. It is quite simply the best solution to get high-frequency bumps in the road dissappear. Any progress in airless tires can be applied equally well to sidewalls of pneumatic tires, which will keep their