
I think we could use this as a baseline for consciousness/happiness.

This is Jalopnik, I wouldn’t expect anything less.

My 10 year old self would like to apologize for not buying one of these. Do you still have yours?

This makes me happy as well. I love cars like that that you regularly see. There is a Lancer Evo VIII that I always drive by on my way to and from work, I’m said when it’s not there to see, but happy it’s out driving.

I am of the opinion that no matter what they think, Toyota will never influence/dictate what BMW does, platform mate or not. At this rate Toyota seems to just be along for the ride, though I’m praying they prove me wrong.

I like where your head is at, I agree. Those wheels fill out the back end perfectly as well.

Same here, they really are great. A guy that used to live in my sisters apartment complex used to have one as well as a ‘99 EM1 Civic Si; he was basically living my used car dreams.

Exactly! I was pleased I happened to find something half the speed, at least if the internets are to be trusted.

Damn, that’s too bad. At least that means it’s not a DSG (I kid of course).

What about butt fumbling?

Perhaps. 2020/21 could bring some surprises though.

Meanwhile, remember how much people tried to rag on the Z3 M Coupes looks?

2 favorites are hard for me to pick, but I wouldn’t fault anyone for picking these two.

You’re much better at it than I am. I’ve probably jinxed myself as well...

I think everyone needs more Z_ M Coupe in their lives.

That is quite wonderful timing.

Damn. Well played, well played.