Many Such Cases

Plenty of non-school shooting in filthy Brockton.  This is the last thing they should be worried about.  More political virtue-signalling from boneheads. 

Another hoax.

Yeah really interesting. Anyway, who’s gonna run against Trump in 2020? What does the Dem bench look like? Hillary has obviously finished her career as a complete and total failure and Bernie should be dead by then. Is there anyone else? You guys need a trans Muslim or something to show progress at this point, not an


Right when the majority of the left gets on Sessions’ side he is going to reveal everything he’s been working on and bury all of your heroes.

TLDR indeed.

Y’all realize this is just a grand show right? Sessions is firmly on Trump’s side and working on cases against corrupt DOJ, FBI, and CIA personnel behind the scenes. When the hammer drops, you’ll know. And it will be soon.