Many Such Cases

No, I’m talking mainly about benefits of guerrilla warfare, the defection of most of the army, the support from domestic and international military the right would receive, the arms and training they already possess, and that they would feel as if they are fighting for something of invaluable worth.


Two descendants of the Mayflower in my family tree. So technically yes but I don’t really consider myself white. I identify as a good Samaritan.

Even better.  I’m not the only one who is outraged at this outcome.  If you aren’t outraged you aren’t paying attention. 

Trump has proven this almost daily for about two years now. 

TLDR. Are you on my side or defenseless side?

I live in her district and can tell you from on the ground, talking to real people experience that most people that understand politics even a little bit are extremely disappointed with this outcome. Not that Caps was doing a great job or anything. He wasn’t. But we knew what we were getting from him, which was

Alex Jones would snap that little soyboy in two.

Not clicking.  Please send animoji explainer. 

Honestly made me lol. A Jo Mama joke in 2018?

I assumed you were much, much younger.  Joke’s on me I guess.

While I still believe Amazon is a monopoly that should be broken up, it does help that Jeff is using the savings he collects on the backs of his Millennial worker ants to fund pro-second amendment initiatives.

I hope he reads this.

Time is relative.  The left has never understood that. 

Something normal happens. Left freaks out.

Y’all don’t even know the trap you’ve fallen into, defending Sessions.

“On Don Lemon’s show last night...”  <--lol

The War of Northern Aggression was not lost by The South, just postponed.  

At some point the Fake News Media is going to have to realize that they can report lies to obese, gullible Americans but they will eventually pay for these lies in one way or another. That could be in the form of reduced viewership, broad acknowledgement of their dishonesty, or even a really nice looking truck ramming

Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences.