you my fiend have the post of the day!!!! LOL
you my fiend have the post of the day!!!! LOL
Don’t compare Trump to HIllary. Hillary can maintain a proper speech pattern and oh she has one other thing...intelligence.
Repugs again will screw up and Libs will have to clean up.
Really since when? From 1945-1965 I don’t recall an economic collapse or recession. That’s twenty years. In fact you could go back to 1936 when things were greatly improving after the first great depression.
In a normal situation yes I would agree but these are not normal times.
As much as I hate to amid it but the Supreme leader is right...we got ourselves a DOTARD...a really big DOTARD.
It used to be a gutter month for movies with Feb and Jan included. These months where movies were sent to basically die slow death. I think that’s what Piqsueel is referring too. But now it’s kind of mixed where summer blockbusters are getting pushed back further and further from May into Jan-March.