Watch Dogs 2 is currently $29.99 new and $54.99 pre-owned.
Watch Dogs 2 is currently $29.99 new and $54.99 pre-owned.
The number of terrorist attacks carried out by immigrants or refugees from these countries is zero. Nada. Zilch.
Apparently polls suggest like 70% of people are in favor of it.
Lol that doesn’t sound like him at all! Likely a reporter yea?
Needs more arch
I’m just a positive person
Is this catching them being hypocritical or just being hypocritical by copying their birther nonsense? I feel like it will depend on what side of the aisle people are on, or which cable network they watch. Is it worth it to lose the high ground? I honestly don’t know... but it is nice to have it. :/
Battletoads SuperHyperbikeKart Plz
Sharing the stupid gumball video again
I realized that he probably bragged he didn’t get many donations because smart corporations wouldn’t touch the backlash he can cause with a 10 foot pole. A lot of people are looking around for some commerce to fuck with, since that is seemingly more effective than contacting politicians these days. Look how fast…
Funny because kickers practice by aiming for the posts all the time, they just added a hoop to a drill he has likely kicked 10,000+ times
Fuck off you GOP operative. We won’t be divided by this bullshit
“Trump is off base about Chicago!”- I struggle to keep advocating in my social circle...
We want the shit to spew out, because if it isn’t obvious to people today (which it mostly is) then history gets it on the record. A record that comes back to haunt
Yeah I think mad cause they aren’t “Marchers” like the Women last week. Marchers>Demonstrators>Protesters>Looters>Rioters
Well liberals are buying guns now to defend their neighbors so there’s that
I have a white friend who seems to think that she can drool over Black RnB singers on her page then call black people monkeys on someone else’s public post, not really understanding how public posts get shared to your friends’ feeds. This kind of tv healing America seems right up the alley of her type. Oooh gays…
Can’t be any fun to work in DC right now
Oh, she ISN’T the answer to “Whatever happened to Cheri Caffaro?”