
Please DNC get Mazie Hirono some public speaking lessons she talks like a 4th grader reading her paper in front of the class and it is unbearable

During Veganuary?!

It’s indistinguishable from performance art. The lapel pin would make me question the authenticity if not for the attached article.

YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPER! OH... it’s a joke... uh...well ignore my previous statements

They came back from a break and the microphones were turned up to 11. Now they went to a new guy and his mic is at 0.5

How do I do crime online? IDK go to that site, CrimeOnline

3 rounds of protests so far... half the room may end up standing up and getting removed at this rate

Why are 4 people talking at the same time

Damn, those daddy issues!

Yeah I’ve actually seen two different sources suggesting this now, so there’s really some smoke here

Leadership positions are about administration, not subject matter. You want the people who actually type up and advise on the policy to be the experts. Then you need accountant types to provide the $ each part of the proposal costs, etc etc until all the experts have weighed in and then the leader jigsaw puzzles all

When they scored I said they just became the UNC of 2017

I cannot believe Alabama let them nearly botch the game on that kickoff. Literally no one knew that falling on the ball would give them a second to toss a Rodgers. Instead they threw away the title like a Giants RB by letting the defense fall on a live ball.

The CB isn’t supposed to be inside his guy there. He needs to look out for a pick play.

“Only God can do this”- says man who just did thing and perhaps is calling himself a God

What’s the deal with all these medieval bootie shapes of shoes right now? The pointed toes are atrocious and the odd martian/ rocking chair looking wedge one piece sole thing that is happening from the Yeezy’s to Nike to Adidas. Like it extends behind the foot an inch so you’re wearing like this Pythagorean theorem

Good thing it’s Paul George and not Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf

How long will the helmets continue to get bigger until defenses start complaining that it is unfairly resulting in targeting penalties?

Wow you just predicted the next hacker trick. Promise targets a program is attached that will do such a thing, but in reality the attachment they download is a virus!

He’s saying don’t force people to keep making accounts for every stupid site. You saying you prefer many small targets who all have to keep up with security, rather than one? Because reality is proving that to be a disaster. One target would have the benefit of all the expertise, instead of many small weak sites.