
I was a longtime fan of You Made it Weird, but hadn't listened in awhile and just got around to the Harris Wittels episode while on a long roadtrip yesterday. It truly was a fascinating listen—I was hooked the entire hour and 40 minutes—but I kept cringing when Holmes tried to liken himself to Wittels. I thought it

I instantly thought of that bit, as well. It was done better on Chappelle.

That's the perfect crime!

How in the hell does he look like that? I can't figure it out.


Yes yes yes yes yes. I loved this soundtrack. Haven't listened to it in years! I barely remember a stitch of the movie, but I played the hell out of the soundtrack while driving around in my shitty car as a teen. Some incredibly well-written power-pop songs.

Oh yeah. To me, Josh was way more bangable than Sam. That swagger does a lot to make up for stature or lack of hair.

I always thought it sounded just like "Rattled by the Rush."

Balloons for a party!

Wow, you guys sound line grown ups.

I feel the same way as an '85er. My brothers-in-law were born in '93 and we have very, very little pop culture knowledge crossover. I think of them as Millennials in the purest sense, while I have no idea where I would fall. If Generation Y is a thing, I'd be fine with it encapsulating those born from '82-'92.

If it's a severed head, I'll be very upset.

Oh, so you've read The Good Book?

That bit might be my favorite part of "Walk Hard." It gets me rolling every time.

Say it, don't spray it.

This song stabs me in the heart with how beautifully sad it is. The previous 16 months before this album came out, I'd lost three pretty important people to me, along with my childhood dog. "And he takes and he takes and he takes" is exactly what I'd been thinking at the time, and strangely, it was just what I needed

In the words of Bert Cooper, "Bravo."

Yes! Thank you. Though now I almost wonder if it aired on Tuesday nights alongside Home Improvement. I'm far, far too lazy to look it up myself, but I remember my family always tuned in.

Wasn't there another short-lived sitcom on TGIF starring Dan Aykroyd as a motorcycle-driving priest? Reverend? Something?

Maybe it's just how often they showed reruns, but I'm always floored when I learn how short Nickelodeon shows' tenures were. It only had four seasons? Is this including Global Guts? I mean, I think Salute Your Shorts was only on for two years and it was an incredibly definitive show for me as a child. Did any Nick