
I don't think I've ever not cried upon the first viewing of any Google commercial.

"My sweetheart! My sweetheart!" That scene is brutal.

Oh my god the Land Before Time… "Mother! Mother?"

Oh wow, when I was in elementary school, a friend of mine was sleeping over, and we were watching "Homeward Bound" on the couch in our living room. My friend was crying harder than anyone I've ever seen (when Shadow hobbles over the hill….Christ). After the movie ended, my friend got up to get a snack or something,

Oh my god… "How come he don't want me, man?" is ROUGH. That one gets me every time.

We played that song ("The Married Life") as our exit music at our wedding. Then, I thought it was just a beautiful, happy song that perfectly ushered us into a blissful marriage. Now I wonder if that was a slightly morbid choice.

I really love Up, it's a beautiful movie that's also very charming, can be funny and, as we all know, incredibly touching. But I just can't bring myself to watch it anymore, because I know the gut-punch is right there. I don't like feeling the way that I do within those first 10 minutes, so I keep avoiding the movie.

I blubber like a fool when Monica proposes to Chandler/Chandler proposes to Monica.

And now, this has made me cry.

Hell, I welled up just reading your description of the scene.

First, thank you, Josh, for the Oriental Theater shout out. Secondly, I have the same exact feelings about Winnie the Pooh at Caroline.

I was part of the clusterfuck that was trying to fly anywhere out of the Midwest last Friday morning. Boarded the plane at 5:50 a.m., dude set the Chicago control tire on fire at 5:40 a.m. Missed it by 10 minutes! Spent about two hours in the Chili's Too, drinking along with everyone else at 6:30 in the morning,

Three wonderful things that had me rolling during The Middle:

Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I want that, nay, NEED that to happen.

Even just seconds of Brad brightened my whole night. I hope the Year of Sue features a lot more Brad before graduation.

While The Middle has never been my favorite "can't wait to watch it" show, I marvel at its consistency. It's under the radar, but it's one of the only shows that makes me laugh consistently every episode. The characters haven't become caricatures of themselves after five seasons, which is an incredible feat in itself.

I've always appreciated how real The Middle is. Watching the Hecks dig through the dumpster for Sue's retainer after she through it away with her napkin was priceless. I've watched my parents do that three times when my brother threw his away in the exact same scenario. Just perfect.

My mind immediately went to that joke as soon as I heard her say it.

It was interesting, in the doc, when his bandmates (virtuoso musicians in their own right) were alluding to how difficult it was to work with Thile. But they always defaulted to the fact that he *should* be difficult to work with because of his immense talent. I don't think it was them paying lip service because the

The whole taking off the belt part is my new favorite thing I've ever seen.