Hilldawg'll Getcha

Yeah I guess you’re right.  Fortunately at our current trajectory that seems to be sometime around 2021. Hillary has 2020 on lockdown already so that ain’t happening.

No, it was Dinesh D’Souza.  

The Louisiana governor that gave Obama all that grief? Indian guy? How quickly we forget.

It always amazed me that Louisiana would elect Dinesh as their governor.  How were they tricked into that?  I get that they’re all GOP down there but Dinesh isn’t exactly the type of GOP guy I would expect them to select.

Hi, I just found this site today.  You can tell because my Gizmodo account was created this morning. 

Thanks for the interesting Japanimation gif file. You caught me right as I was about to head out the door to a grass roots protest. You live in Boston, you should join.

Let’s hit them where it hurts: their pocketbook.  I will not be paying taxes this year and I urge the rest of you to do the same.  #boycottIRS

If y’all actually cared about this you would get out there in the streets and protest instead of just commenting on Twitter and Facebook.  I was out there last night doing my part.  I do work.  Let’s go!

America today is worse than Nazi Germany. 


Ok, I don’t know about y’all but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let’s right this ship and get excited! Those protests last night were mad legit. Can’t believe how many truly informed citizens were out there making their voices heard. So damn inspiring for real though.

It’s all of this and more.  Do we have the details?  No, we don’t.  Do we know anyone who does?  Yes, we do.  His name is Mr. Robert Mueller and he is going to save our democracy any day now. 

Great story and v glad they are safe now. This is the uplifting moment we all needed on a day like today. A day where Trump has improperly used the powers of the highest office in the land to nominate what most people are now calling the worst SCOTUS pick of all time. And the most dangerous. He is a 2A hardliner. So

He was Taiwan’s version of a navy seal and he died during the first attempt at a rescue.

Originalism is backwardsism.  I’m getting pretty tired of people saying, and believing, that the constitution means anything these days.  It doesn’t.  It’s forced privilege and meant to uphold traditional patriarchal designs that simply aren’t relevant anymore.  We need SCOTUS justices that understand this and we will

I watched the entire circus last night and had extremely low expectations going in and was still disappointed. Trump is an ogre, I knew that much. What I didn’t know what that Brett K would exploit his family up on the stage the way he did in a monstrous display of patriarchal privilege laced with toxic masculinity.