I.. I.. I.. I..
I.. I.. I.. I..
Pant O’Mime was going to attend White Sox camp to appear at White Sox camp today, but Kenny Williams barred his son, Sweetchild O’Mime from the facilities. The younger O’Mime, with a tear in his eye, looked to his father and mouthed the words “Where do we go now?”
Yes, had those airbags been absent, Kershaw’s mood may have been less sunny.
I think the article makes it clear he was operating an automobile, not a watercraft.
One instance where changing speeds is not so effective...
I agree with Turd Fergusen - best comment I've seen so far this year.
So the people in the new photo are guilty?
Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?
Nothing will ever top Yung Washcloth.
I’m hoping this comment section turns into all of our favorite tweets:
“I’m so glad I recorded this.”
My mom says I’m a catch.
I initially read the headline as ‘he’s just a slut’.
+1 to you Mr. James Watt
I think Michael Irvin is more concerned with rules on who’s holding.
Sounds like y’all are saying that Drake’s got enemies, got a lot of enemies. That he’s got a lot of people trying to drain him of his energy.
Actually, its a very valid question. Downtown Sacramento is not a huge area. Even if you include the mixed residential/commercial Midtown area, it’s only about 2 miles wide and 1.5 miles long. The majority of the streets are either one-way only (with two or three lanes), or one lane in either direction. A sizable…