
i am german.

well, every step counts. At leat for me. If you are happy with the situation.. well, sell yourself.

maybe just 0.3% complained, but the rest.. well, the rest doesn't care, if there is something like google street view or not.

i think you are overstimating the usefulness of google-streetview. Nice eye-candy, but that's about it..

privacy concerns!

for the cleaning stuff like CCCleaner you might want to consider onyx

@trunkenmath: hm. interesting. would you clear that up a bit? compared to which country?

i've never played gears of wars, but plenty of other ego-shooters.

well well. graphics are nice and all. but seriously: doesn't it make you also sick how the developers are enjoying the possibilities, how to kill somebody and finish them of. not that this is something new, but i have never seen mature people talking so serious about desired cruelity to this extend.