Sorry you disagree, I am glad we live in the good ole US of A. Where we can have different opinions and still get along.
Sorry you disagree, I am glad we live in the good ole US of A. Where we can have different opinions and still get along.
I think we can agree that the idea of “Woke” is bad, immoral, just not right, or just wrong. Each of us may have a different list of what is woke.
Most of the Tranny issues were due to wrong fluid being used, not the fault of the truck or Dodge.
I think your measuring stick is off. Some on this list were truly dumb ideas, a few were very bad trucks, but some were really great trucks in their day. None of them will compare to todays trucks, but that is the measuring stick being used.
You Ramsey haters are pathetic. His advise is ALWAYS sound. Yes he is rich, he admits it. But he got there by living poor and learning how to live with what you have, and not paying someone else to use their money on stuff you don’t need. Example: I paid 16k cash for a 2013 half ton truck. I could have chosen a new 20…
This is the same bad argument as Gun Control. It is not the device that kills, it is the person. Society needs to be flagging and monitoring dangerous people.