This is the 1st you have seen one of these this cheap... Really? Lol
This is the 1st you have seen one of these this cheap... Really? Lol
This is the 1st you have seen one of these this cheap... Really? Lol
This is the 1st you have seen one of these this cheap... Really? Lol
I recently (like within the last 48hrs) just picked up PIA.
I recently (like within the last 48hrs) just picked up PIA.
I got an idea .. how about you stop looking at shit online your not suppose to be.. use the net for productivity and THATS IT.
I recently put myself on a 1000 Cal a day diet .. I can eat what I want when I want .. but it don’t ever go over 1000 Cal.
Good the guys a f*cking retard and is responsible imo for the dumbing down of today’s youth..
I have one word for the people who voted for Mr Trump.
And just think .. there are actually real ignorent human beings who voted for this guy ...
I agree .. way way back in the day I did my best to play FFxi .. it was “tech” my first MMo .. and between dieing all the time.. and losing levels!!! After I was out all day grinding ..