As the World Kerns

“I don’t know him

But first you got to send a “memorandum of understanding,” purporting to require the company to rescind all Covid precautions or dissolve the entire board of directors, despite there being no provision in the bylaws to any such thing.

“some of those that burn crosses, are the same that work forces”

Petulant little children. And yes, it gets more and more ridiculous what they are being allowed to get away with.

Albini is famously and pointedly not a producer.

Do these kinds of movies even need/warrant a review? If the trailers made you wanna see it, you’re gonna see it. Let’s face it. At some point—tomorrow, next week, ten years from now—we’re all going to watch Moonfall.

That’s true. I’m not sure what it has to do with what I wrote, though.

Canadian transport truck sales guy here. The majority of truck drivers in the country think that these guys are a bunch of clowns that make the rest of them look bad. The only people who support them are the demographic labeled “fucking morons”. I would wager that more than 75% of the people supporting this thing

Jalopnik has long since been devoted to transportation at large - boats, planes, supply chain issues, trucking....

Depends on the terms. You can get a discount on a car through an OEM financing arm that has higher rates. Not more than 10% but still higher than a bank would offer.

Geez, y’all sad trombone me when some cool car we look at ends up having an automatic but you’re not willing to drop some cash when one of the rarest ones comes up with a stick?

Let’s also not forget that this POS has written two LA Times pieces about how the age of consent should be lowered to 15. TWO! The signs are all there...right out in the open.

I think we all know he is man of simple needs. As he has said of his childhood,

It’s like keeping your trophy wife a virgin so her next husband can have a rockin’ good time.

Wipe your chin. It’s embarrassing.

It is essentially a free ride when she’s already late, quite true yes.

Ugh, this must be worse for her than rain on her wedding day. 

I know we’re taking the middle path here but it’s clear what happened: She accused someone very powerful of sexual assault and she has been detained until she retracted the accusation.

Ah, the PT Cruiser drop top, the indisputably worst convertible in recent memory. I truly, genuinely hate these things.

I’m only one man