Right but... so?
Right but... so?
Yah, cause the only thing people have more of than Prime or HBO is D+. And it’s a not lower entry bar in terms of backstory then either of those. Not really a surprise.
Good points. I guess we’ll see what happens.
I guess I’m saying it feels like something being done specifically because we don’t like that the SC is leaning to the right, and not for any other reason. Isn’t that something that could be exploited by any party if they don’t like the makeup of the court in the future?
It’s not easy to do, OK, but clearly worthwhile politically, since at least one party is currently considering it. I’m not sure what b) is referencing from my question. I realize 9 isn’t important. Neither is 11, or 13, or etc. etc. What feels particularly dangerous is the idea that, should you not like the makeup or…
Can anyone explain to me why this wouldn’t set a dangerous precedent? What’s to stop any administration from passing such an act to expand the SC whenever its makeup doesn’t skew in the way they would wish?
Absolutely worth a watch. Same director who did Once, if you ever saw that.
Don’t forget James Corden.
and Hamish from freakin Braveheart. What is this shite?
I’ve learned from this site that apparently gangly dudes with lots of tats are kryptonite for many.
The nonchalant and dismissive tone of this article is strange. He engaged in a sexual affair with a “staff member”, presumably a subordinate based on that description, in direct violation of his organization’s rules. The authority imbalance alone is icky and makes suspect any claim that it was consensual. The fact…
This is... where we are. This is where we are.
If he is, he's the fucking Marlin Brando of acting stupid.
Ok, so he’s an asshole for talking to any person that way. Thanks for clarifying, I guess?
Oh good, I didn’t have a stroke.
There will be a market for them sure, but just like the current market, they ultimately make more money with new sales, which more and more will be EV heavy. Not to mention, the used market for EVs will only continue to grow as more are sold.
But in this case they’re literally not. They’re setting course for the iceberg, and then cashing in and peacing out before impact.
She just didn't care until it affected her. There's a whole political party for that.
The article is also taking it out of context to make it seem like a criticism of Pugh’s posts, when in fact I think it’s a compliment to her acting skill (i.e., (“She can act; the rest is not my concern and didn’t play a role in my choice in casting her.”)
Seems like harmless shenanigans. But Harry sounds like he might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.