
@caldweab: You have your head so far up Steve Job's ass that you can't see how ignorant you sound. Let me help you out... FaceTime is restricted to wifi and iPhone 4's. For Android, on the other hand, all users have to do is download the FREE app fring from the market, and then they can video chat over 3g, wifi, or

@caldweab: All Evo users have to do is go to the Android Market to get a video chat app. At least the Evo can video chat over 3g. Honestly, nobody is going to use FaceTime on the iPhone because of all the restrictions on it.

@itpromike: Proof? You can't call teflon shepherd wrong without giving a link to the comparison you're quoting.

@xXZEBRAXx: You can't honestly tell me that you prefer the iPhone's home screen to the Evo after seeing that picture up there. The iPhone's is so bland.