The sad puns on this thread are leaving me Del Sol-ate.
The sad puns on this thread are leaving me Del Sol-ate.
He should have tossed the noodles in with the sauce, and I’m guessing he used too much yogurt/sour cream which is why it’s pale brown and not red, but I bet it tastes fine 8/10 would eat 2/10 would not ‘gram.
Ahoy Polloi
The internet truly has everything. Looks like BA has enough, and flies them to enough US destinations, that you can get one pretty easily. Also a lot of smaller carriers fly one to NYC, if you’re in that area.
There are still 747's flying commercial routes, but it’ll quickly become tough to find. None of the US mainlines have them in their fleet. A quick search indicates Quantas, KLM, and BA still have some but they’re being replaced.
We put a man on the moon with less computing power than a modern cell phone. They’ll figure this out. It’ll take time.
I know right ? My “semi respectable” handicap that allows me to enter a US Open qualifier.
If you are able to park your car at home plugged in, a lot of these problems are mitigated. Doubly so if you have a heated garage. Then again if you can afford an EV and an L2 charger in your heated garage, a lot of your problems have been mitigated already.
Minnesota. It’s currently $2.09 down the street from my house.
underrated comment here folks
That number needs to be way higher. $10M, perhaps $25M.
It’s the fucking feeling I get dropping the kids off at school and looking down my nose at all those assholes driving SUVs. It’s not quite as good as 2 bumps of bolivian marching powder, but it’s close.
Re Prep-to-profit ratios:
Did you drain the fat from the bacon/sausage? Looks like she may not have done that.
I already said: “EV’s will nearly always cost less to operate, although the delta doesn’t nearly pay for the upfront price gap today.” - This remains true. There’s not a single place in the US where rates approach 30 cents (outside Hawaii...) and most are in the teens:
The hybrid still requires gasoline...does it come with free gasoline? My analysis also assumed $2.25/gal gas - is that your 5 year forecast for gas prices? It’s not for me.
For a lot of these CUVs, I might not be offroading much but I’m still doing various dirty outdoor activities and I’d prefer something hard that can take a little abuse and wipe clean.
“Depending on where you live, the cost of electricity compared to gas might not even save you that much either.”
It’s got less storage space than a Model 3 - which has a surprisingly large trunk and at least moderately useful frunk. I want an electric SUV (or wagon!) that’s cheaper than the Model X but this ain’t it.
I thought the Deadspin style guide called for “Dick-and-balls” in this type of situation.